癌字新解 and 哀呆挨餓...
文章来源: 走马读人2015-09-02 16:55:29

My book "Secret of words" is finally finished, although some weakness in English writing  exist.

Thank 越王, etc.  sharp eye and nice heart.  股貴金錢舉  左右交際天地玄

"勝負"字秘的最新發現是對此日的獻禮之一. 信任,驚慌,授與...secret, the last finding is the best我今天的發現要用"驚天地,泣鬼神"來描述.  抖~~~~~~~字揭秘是漢字史最傑出的成就.

速寫 vs 速率 secret will surprise John Bull   性謝瀉泄


49岁 Phylicia Hassapis  教授惨死在自家车轮

津- ford, and  瑞海物流八月爆, 析字上面有講究... 瑞海国际物流:絕對給出神秘暗示. my book tells how

磯 機關 機會   募,捐 vs.牧,圈  中風串燒蟲撓撓,腦溢腦炎鬧哄哄

shadaheicu 傻大黑粗   //左做作,喜騰躍,上蹦下跳無出路,原地踏步多  left affected

說蹦   長壽相連,  better than push up by word analysis ...  朋,棚,蓬,鵬,崩,繃,迸,奔,笨,本 some secret connection with English words have been cracked. 
lie low to be conspicuous  50公尺吸管


困難難免 secret solved, mystery unsolvable

几-曾-回-首 4H, how many, has, hui-returned, head

(2015-07-20  How many have turned their heads? :) A human being can not rotate his head, only owls can.


(2015-07-20 很激動,失語了
東 is a bundle, when a person carries a loaded bundle and  straightens his back, add 壬 in 挺,here come heaviness  重.

"The average maximum range of movement is approx. 162 degrees in women; Studies have shown that men tend to have a slightly lower range of movement."

教師節,日新月異的文化革命從來沒有, 只有教老師的節日.


Sep 10, 246000 clicking  9月10日,(NASA)9日公开了矮行星“谷神星”的最新照片。大陨石坑中心发着光,“谜之光”

1948年9月12日--11月2日, 52天。