文章来源: 豆腐酒2009-01-12 17:05:19





Good Good Study, Day Day Up. (好好学习,天天向上)

同学们还喜欢我让男女生分组朗读对话。比如我说,王小毛,李小花,你们两个人把Lesson Three读一下。


我说Three你个头啊,我说的是第三课,课本第15页,第一段,How are you,预备–起!

王小毛:How are you?
李小花:Fine. Thank you. And you?
王小毛:I am fine too. Are you a girl?
李小花:Yes, I am a girl. Are you a girl too?
王小毛:No, I am a boy. What time is it?
李小花:It’s nine.
王小毛:Let’s go to bed.
王小毛+李小花:We go to bed at nine.

读到这里我说停,然后问大家,What do they do now?

大家七嘴八舌地说:They go to bed together.


大家就翻译,XiaoHua Li, We two who and who?


大家就翻译,XiaoMao Wang, You have two down son.

这样的翻译做多了,大家都学会了融会贯通。有一次上正式的英语课,王小毛同学突然想去上厕所,于是他很有礼貌地举手问老师:May I go to the toilet?

老师说,Go ahead.

王小毛同学就坐了下来。过了一会儿,王小毛同学又忍不住举手问老师说:May I go to the toilet now?

老师说:I told you, Go ahead.



Road up, one car come, one car go, two car Peng-Peng! Good play good play.




1)I put on my pants and found its first button was gone.
2)As soon as he heard the phone ringing, he went to pick it up.


1) Shit!
2) Hello?

我后来听别人说王小毛准备出国,不知道他是不是也想去卖苹果。签证申请表里面有一项是Sex,王小毛填的是“Once a week”。

签证官阅后狂笑一阵,亲切地告诉他:This item should be filled in with male or female.

王小毛连忙把“Once a week”擦掉,填上“female”。签证官有些疑惑,问他,Shouldn’t it be male?

王小毛脸红了,说,I am a normal man, so I have sex with female.



One should love animals. They are so tasty.

Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.

Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children.
后排座位上的小孩会导致意外, 后排座位上的意外会导致小孩

Themore you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more youforget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.
学的越多,知道的越多, 知道的越多,忘记的越多, 忘记的越多,知道的越少, 那干嘛还费劲去学

张小强的本事是把所有的英文字翻译成人名,比如老师说“Time is Money”, 他说,“汤姆是玛丽。”

听说张小强后来分配到一家电影译制片厂,我估计那个著名的“-你是凯丁吗?-不,我是西瑞斯。”("-Are you kidding? -No, I’m serious")就是他翻的。


人之初:At the begining of life.
性本善:Sex is good.
性相近:Basically,all the sex are same.
习相远:But it depends on how the way you do it.
苟不教:If you do not practise all the time.
性乃迁:Sex will leave you..
教之道:The way of learning it
贵以专:is very important to make love with only one person.
昔孟母:Once a great mother, Mrs Meng
择邻处:chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence.
子不学:If you don’t study hard,
断机杼:Your dick will become useless.
窦燕山: Dou, the Famous
有义方: owned a very effective exciting medicine
教五子: All his five son took it
名俱扬: and their sexual ability were well-kown.
养不教: If your children don’t know how to do it,
父之过: It is all your fault.
教不严: If they had lots of problems with it,
师之惰: their teach must be too lazy to tell them details on sex.
子不学: You may refuse to study this
非所宜: but that is a real mistake
幼不学: If you don’t learn it in childhood,
老何为: you will lose your ability when aged
玉不琢: If you don’t exercise your dick,
不成器: It won’t become hard and strong.
人不学: If you don’t learn sex,
不知义: You can by no means enjoy its sweetness

(注: 本文英文内容多属抄袭)