文章来源: 圈外闲人2013-08-03 10:27:23



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17 day trip – day 5

Hotel: five out of five

The hotel was a huge improvement over the last one. Although the room size is about the same, I think that overall the rooms are better. There is a desk, a water cooker, and open-air shower, and… hot chocolate! This was what helped change my mind the most. The open air shower is very interesting. It is a shower, with a mostly flat floor and with no glass and no shower curtains. It also has no wall stopping water from spilling out.

Black Forest: five out of five

Black Forest is a place in Germany. This was the main highlight of today's trip. I went to a small village inside the forest. It is very small, with only one main road, but charming. There is a family inside the village that owns a lot of the buildings there. That includes a hotel inside the village, a hotel outside, a gift shop, and numerous restaurants. Many of the gift shops there, including the one that they own, sell cuckoo clocks. My mom and I went to look at them. Whenever the minute hand is at a particular time, a door in the clock will open and a bird will come out. Some of the fancier varieties also have figures chopping wood, pulling a bell, walking, and other things at certain times. There's even a clock with a water wheel that has actual water! The secret of these is the decorative-looking pinecones at the bottom. Pulling on a chain attached to them will wind up the cuckoo clock. I didn't just look at clocks, though. I went to a lake and waded into a shallow part of it! The water was very cold.

Zurich: five out of five

Zurich, Switzerland, was the next stop. I went there and walked around. A river flows through the city, the way the Thames flows through London. There is a major difference, though: swans! There are many swans in the river. I even saw one up close. They are the size of Canadian Geese, but whiter. They like to preen themselves a lot.

Average: five out of five