文章来源: 美丽风景2013-12-07 11:11:52
飘姐姐说这个画乱七八糟, 意可是达了。 哈哈。

本来把它藏上次的帖子的最后, 钻进来才看到。 俺得批评一下自己, 多美呀!  藏什么呢?

这个画, 可是相当地达意。 进入那个境界, 非得层层穿越。 吸引, 完全的安全感, 然后是学习默契。 所谓忘乎所以, 你中有我, 我中有你, 气息相合, 极乐共鸣。

这一切, 非朝朝暮暮, 全不能达。

上天赐人心灵体肤。 那个可以谐振的人, 未必这辈子能遇到。 这世界那么多乱七八糟的关系, 便是因为不知, 不得, 继续乱着。

哆嗦了:( 画慢慢看:)

The Kiss
 (Lovers) was painted by the Austrian Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt between 1908 and 1909, the highpoint of his "Golden Period", when he painted a number of works in a similar gilded style. A perfect square, the canvas depicts a couple embracing, their bodies entwined in elaborate robes decorated in a style influenced by both linear constructs of the contemporary Art Nouveau style and the organic forms of the earlier Arts and Craftsmovement. The work is composed of oil paint with applied layers of gold leaf, an aspect that gives it its strikingly modern, yet evocative appearance. The painting is now in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere museum in the Belvedere palaceVienna, and is widely considered a masterpiece of the early modern period. It is a symbol of Vienna Jugendstil—Viennese Art Nouveau—and is considered Klimt's most popular work.