文章来源: FreeTrader2013-05-23 19:40:24
作为一个令人尊重的政治家,Vice President Joseph R. Biden曾多次因“不当言论”受到抨击,比如,他曾在专访中称俄罗斯是“衰落了的国家”。 Biden Gives the Commencement Address at U of PA 2013 named "Don't listen to cynics".其中,谈到目前美国毕业生所遇到现实就业和前景等问题时,Biden有以下段落提到中国:
I love to hear people tell me how to use the vernacular "China is going to eat our lunch."
China is a great nation, and we should hope for the continued expansion. But ladies and gentlemen, their problems are immense, and they lack much of what we have. We have the best universities in the world. We have a legal system that is open and fair. We have the most agile venture capital system in the world. We lead the world in innovation and technology, all for a simple basic reason. Steve Jobs, speaking at Stanford was asked by a young man "how can I be more like you, how I can become like you?" And Job famously answered: think different.
You CANNOT think different in a nation where you cannot breath free. You CANNOT think different in a nation where you aren't able to challenge orthodoxy, because change only comes from challenging orthodoxy.
I spent 10 days with President Xi at the request of former president Hu and President obama…I listened to his questions and the interests he had and he asked me how I felt after the 5 days in the U.S. and 5 days in China. And I said he's a strong bright man, but he has the look of a man who is about to take on a job he's not at all sure is going to end well. I mean that seriously.
We are so well-positioned. We are so well-positioned to lead the world into the 21st century.
Mr. Biden不过是客观地说明了中国及中国人的卑微民族特性:无公正感、服从威权、无能力创新思维、缺乏探索精神。然后以当政政治家的责任和身份,告诉美国的青年学生们,所宣传和渲染的中国竞争力根本不值一提;且以个人身份和亲身经历表明,他所打过交道的中国现任领导人"take on a job he's not at all sure is going to end well",他知道这话的沉重分量和震撼性,还紧接着特意加上 "I mean that seriously",以鼓励美国的花朵和未来们。同时,这些话在一个非政府官方形式的正式场合(Non-governmentally official ceremony),宣告了美国政府和政府领导人对美国及其国民的已完成并正在进行的负责、能力和信心。