Dan Pink Ted talk:创造力来源于真正自由的心灵
文章来源: greenlawn2012-01-02 19:56:59


这是2009年观看了Dan Pink的Ted talk: Surprising science of motivation (in the 21st century) 的一段感言。先列一下他讲话的两个主点:

  • The candle problem
  • Autonomy, mastery, purpose


Creativity comes from a free mind.

Kids in China tend to be pushed by their parents, rather than pursuing *freely* what they really like. It might be because that most parents are not rich enough to afford the failure -- what if the kids fail to make a living while pursuing their dreams?

If a society is rich enough and provides good social welfare, the citizens in it would feel more secure, thus be more free to pursue what they like, hence more creativity and inventions.

I sincerely hope that China will one day be such a society. I also sincerely hope that Chinese parents in the western world understand the social welfare and the western society more, so their kids can have more freedom to pursue their true interest and ultimately/more importantly, have more happiness.