文章来源: 肯老的2015-04-25 17:04:23




Title: Ricky Martin: MTV Unplugged [LIVE]
Artist: Ricky Martin
Released: November 7, 2006
Recorded: August 17, 2006 in Miami, Florida
Genre: Live / Latin, Pop Rock, Latin pop, dance-pop
Label: Sony BMG Norte


闊別樂壇五年之久後, 拉丁流行音樂的至尊天王Ricky Martin在2005年發行了自己的最新專輯"Lfie"。這期間Ricky Martin遊歷世界, 將自己沉澱下來。在2006年, 由MTV籌辦了一場Ricky Martin的不插電演唱會, 這一次Ricky Martin和歌迷來了一次最近距離的接觸。演唱會中多以慢歌, 抒情歌曲為主, 當然也改編了那首經典的"Maria"為舒緩版本, 想必聽來會別有一番滋味。

MTV Unplugged was taped on August 17, 2006 in Miami. It premiered on MTV Latin America, MTV Tr3s and MTV Puerto Rico in October 2006. This album includes Puerto Rican influences, particularly "Tu Recuerdo" (based mainly on a Puerto Rican "aguinaldo jíbaro", and finishing with an "aguinaldo orocove?o") and "Pégate", a Puerto Rican plena. Christian Nieves plays the Puerto Rican cuatro on both tracks. Viento de agua and Joseph Quevedo played the plena drums in "Pégate".


01. "Gracias Por Pensar En Mi" (A Via Lactea)
02. "Con Tu Nombre"
03. "María"
04. "Tu Recuerdo" (Con La Mari y Tommy Torres)
05. "Perdido Sin Ti?"
06. "Asignatura Pendiente"
07. "Vuelve"
08. "Lola, Lola"
09. "Volveras"
10. "La Bomba"
11. "Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Di?a"
12. "Pegate"
13. "Tu Recuerdo" (remix)
14. "Livin' La Vida Loca" (bonus)

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