黃金年代鄉村樂天后( ̄▼ ̄)桃莉.巴頓《冬青桃莉聖誕日》
文章来源: 肯老的2020-12-25 09:49:40

【專輯藝人】: Dolly Parton
【專輯名稱】: A Holly Dolly Christmas
【發行日期】: 2020年
【唱片公司】: Butterfly Records
【專輯類型】: Christmas, Easy Listening


The album is Dolly’s first holiday album in 30 years. This festive collection of music includes some of the timeless Christmas songs we all know and love, as well as a few original tracks from Dolly. The album also features incredible duets with some of Dolly’s dearest friends including Michael Bublé, Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus, Jimmy Fallon and Willie Nelson, plus a special song with her brother, Randy Parton.

美國鄉謠天后Dolly Parton推出2020年最新聖誕專輯《A Holly Dolly Christmas》,收錄歌曲包括與Miley Cyrus合唱"Christmas Is",其他的合唱歌手還有Michael Buble、Billy Ray、Willie Nelson及她的弟弟Randy Parton,另外Dolly Parton和Jimmy Fallon還翻唱了Mariah Carey的經典聖誕歌曲"All I Want For Christmas Is You",喜歡Dolly Parton的樂迷必定不可錯過!

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