Christian Boltanski - Possible Lives
文章来源: 迷失画廊2015-02-02 15:28:57

Christian Boltanski (born 1944 in Paris) is French sculptor, photographer, painter and film maker.
LES VIES POSSIBLES DE CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI, Portrait fantôme de l'artiste, written and directed by Heinz Peter Schwerfel, produced by Schuch Conseils et Productions. With the participation of the Cnap, it proposes a bonus on installation of the work Personnes for MONUMENTA 2010 in the Grand Palais Nave.
Art critic and filmmaker Heinz Peter Schwerfel has, since 1985, been making award-winning filmed portraits of contemporary artists. He has worked with Georg Baselitz, Jochen Gerz, Rebecca Horn, Alex Katz, Jannis Kounellis, Annette Messager, and Bruce Nauman among others.