文章来源: 紫屋2011-06-21 06:18:18



Jupiter and Antiope (1612), oil on canvas painting by the Dutch artist Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617), 129 cm x 178 cm。无论如何,Goltzius把这条假淫虫描画得入木三分!

Sir Anthony Van Dyck: Jupiter and Antiope

Hans Von Aachen: Jupiter umarmt Antiope

Jean-Antoine Watteau: Jupiter and Antiope 1715-16

Tiziano Vecellio (Titian): Jupiter and Anthiope (Pardo-Venus) 1540-42

Charles-Antoine Coypel : Jupiter and Antiope, from Histoire Universelle, 1740's。这张比较not so chaste。