两款纸杯蛋糕- Apple Cupcakes & 糯米蛋糕
文章来源: 波城客2013-02-21 11:30:20

Apple Cupcakes

3.5 tbsp unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 cup all-purpose flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 large baking apple, peeled, finely chopped
1 tbsp orange juice
some superfine sugar and chopped walnut/pecans or sliced almond

1. 烤箱预热350F。12 个纸杯放入muffin pan。
2. butter and brown sugar入搅拌机,打成发白并泡泡状。慢慢打入鸡蛋。
3. 筛入flour and baking powder。搅匀。拌入apple, orange juice。
4. 将面糊用小勺舀入纸杯,2/3 杯满,撒上白糖粉和果仁。烤30分钟,至金黄。


3 eggs
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup peanut oil
1/2 cup milk
2 cups glutenous rice flour (糯米粉)
1 tsp Baking Powder

1. 烤箱预热375F度,12 个纸杯放入muffin pan。
2. milk, peanut oil, sugar, eggs 放入搅拌器搅匀
3. 分次筛入糯米粉和baking powder的混合粉,搅匀
4. 纸杯喷油,抹匀 (不抹油的话蛋糕会粘在纸上!用锡箔纸杯效果更好)
5. 将面糊用小勺舀入纸杯,入烤箱,烤25分钟