给川姐打气--- 自娱自乐, 顺道拿自己开涮,也做个小实验-----
文章来源: 面窝窝2012-08-31 23:56:01

上次写到:自从袖展示了她的那个测脂肪的宝物,让我心里长了草--虽然测还是不测,肚腩上的肥肉不离不弃,总在那里--- 为了拔草,买了这个--- 据说能把五腑六脏中隐藏的脂肪含量都测出来---


前天早上起床,花了半个小时搞懂说明书, 把各个指标测了一遍,然后把领导从床上赶起来,逼着他也测了一遍,主要是起参照物的作用。虽然数字有点触目惊心,感觉还是反映了真实情况。

What is Body Fat? Our bodies need a certain amount of fat to function effectively, but too much fat can have a detrimental effect to your overall health. Studies have shown that a high level of fat in the body, in particular visceral fat, increases the risk of developing more serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

What is Visceral Fat? Visceral fat, or "central obesity", is used to describe the fat that is located inside the peritoneal cavity--that is, your midsection around your waist. Rather than being located directly under the skin as subcutaneous fat, this "visceral fat" can be found in between your internal organs, many of which are situated in this cavity. Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between high levels of visceral fat and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease as well as other medical conditions.  A normal reading would be between 1 and 9, with a reading higher than 15 being very high.

What is Subcutaneous Fat? Subcutaneous fat not only accumulates around the stomach but also around the upper arms, hips and thighs, and can cause a distortion of the body’s proportions. Although not directly linked to increased risk of disease, it is thought to increase pressure on the heart and lead to other complications.



差不多200个点击,只有书记和小舞本着一贯认真的态度回答了目测的四个数据-- 还有几个让人很受用的马P跟贴--BMI 大家都猜得差不多-- 估计那是根据以前我公布的数据哈-- 至于三围, 根本不在提问范围之内,因为本人也不知道答案-- 总的来说,根据和我家领导的对比,这个仪器给出的数据应该还是比较准确的, 今天早上又量了一次,变化不大--

1 Body fat percentage result: Normal 23%-33.9%  面窝窝:29.3%

2 Visceral Fat Level: Normal 1-9 面窝窝:4

3 BMI: Normal 18.5-25 面窝窝:21.2

4 Skeletal Muscle Percentage: Normal 24.1%-30.1% 面窝窝:29.5%

结论:书记和小舞都低估了我的body fat 和 skeletal muscle 含量。 我的body fat 在正常值中上,肌肉数量靠近上限, 五脏六肺里的肥油还不算多,那么那些fat 分布在哪里了呢---呵呵,呵呵-- 今后的锻炼目标: 继续减脂增肌!争取脂肪到下限,肌肉到上限。