grassroots vs. elites? not R vs. D
文章来源: TJKCB2016-10-26 00:14:35

grassroots vs. elites;  not R vs. D - either party elites crossing the party line join in hands for their own course in this election.

Trump seen as with the former whilst Hillary with the latter. Sadly, Trump does not have plans to help those in needs. Top 1% including Clintons, Angela Merkel, Trump, has no clues what's like for those grassroots - they live in life impacted by refugees flood-in.

Bill Clinton's globalization marginalizes the grassroots, still benefiting those elites. Trump runs his family empire, also benefiting those elites global movement - so hard to know his motive for what he's doing now. . Those elites Newt Gingrich, Rudy Guliani like line up behind Trump as they felt left-out, angry, hounting. We'll see if Trump can live up to expectation, a savior or a fake.

grassroots movement? Just like Brexit - we will see.

wonder: "希拉裏會以可以預知的方式毀掉美國,特朗普則以不可預知的方式毀掉美國。希拉裏和建製派不承認美國的問題,幻想苟且不變就能躲過全球化的大潮。特朗普和民粹則不能理解美國的問題,不是排外和關門這種鴕鳥政策就能解決的。" Which one do you cast your vote? lesser of two evils? Much appreciated your insight.

One is lair, the other is lunatic.  I only know the country will be moved away from what we are now, no matter who is in the presidency.  


His dedication is impressive seeing his face.


1. 他曾經有點帥?

2. 他很熱愛自己的國家。

3. 他一直不想踏入政壇因為知道其肮髒。

4. 他以前看著挺溫和的,因氣憤而參政所以給人憤青的感覺?

5. 他老了很多,已70的人出來競選,經常一天去不同州的兩三個Rally, 也真是夠拚的。

6. 兩黨的建製派都反他,媒體使勁黑他,我們如果連公開支持他都不敢,那他就輸定了,不想他輸的趕快行動吧!

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Trump christens new hotel, lauds Newt Gingrich for sparring with Megyn Kelly

Washington Post  - ‎7 minutes ago‎
Donald Trump made a detour to Washington on Wednesday to officially christen a downtown hotel bearing his name, even as his campaign sets its sights on Florida as its make-or-break battleground state less than two weeks before Election Day.

您的位置: 文學城 » 論壇 » 時事述評 » Megan Kelly 抓住老床的貓門不放,好像自己多麽高尚,看看她在公眾場合和另外一個男人大談尺寸,聖母啊

Megan Kelly 抓住老床的貓門不放,好像自己多麽高尚,看看她在公眾場合和另外一個男人大談尺寸,聖母啊

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