ZT - Live w/ children?
文章来源: TJKCB2017-08-16 10:12:48
中囯父母去美国靠 SON and DAUGHTER 应知: 精选

已有 4747 次阅读 2017-8-12 10:55 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察    推荐到群组

中文翻译 请看十号评论

For new readers and those who request to be “好友 good friends”  please read my 公告栏 first

Chinese parents going to live abroad to be with or near children need to know (中囯父母去美国靠????女应知):


The benefits for seniors in the US are substantial. While they vary from State to State, generally seniors are provided with

1.Supplemental living income

2.Subsidize housing

3.Medical care

4.Free food

so long as you have limited assets in the US (the government has no way to check your wealth in China). All these benefits are given to green card holding seniors even though the seniors have never done a single days of work or paid one cent of taxes. In fact we heard of seniors who choose to remain in the US because of these benefits  even their children have returned to China because of better opportunities.

Aside from benefits, to be near your established children in your old age is natural  and a blessing according to Chinese tradition. We know cases of Chinese parents spending their retirement years in comfort and happiness this way in the US.

On the other hand, because of the differences in US and Chinese customs and living traditions, the insistent practice of parents of Chinese family rules and customs in their children homes can result in conflicts and unhappy relationship. For example,

1.While in China, the parents are always the head of the family, in the US you are living as guests in the home of your children. In the extreme case, Mother living in her son’s home wants to dictate furniture arrangements and meal preparations out of desire to help not realizing that in the US the daughter-in-law is the  head mistress of the home. Here the built in age old conflicts between mother and daughter in law are further exacerbated by the difference in US and Chinese customs.

2.Similarly, in the US the education and up-bringing of children are the sole responsibility of parents.  Grandparents as the saying goes, “should keep their mouth shut and wallet open”. Here again according to Chinese custom, grandparent have every right to interfere. Conflicts again result.

3.Unless the parents already have friends living in the same city, establishing new friends and overcome language difficulties can have substantial difficulties in one’s old age. Working children have their own lives and cannot be with you every minute.

4. The adjustment is particularly difficult for people who was in position of power and fame in China. Suddenly you become a nobody in the US and no one pay you the respect you have accustomed to in China even when retired. It is a double adjustment.


Thus it is a case of “practice the custom of the country you live in”. Chinese grandparents must learn to adapt and lower your expectations when coming to the US to enjoy their remaining years. Managed right, life can be fulfilling and happy.


PS I hope someone can translate this article into Chinese to insure wider readership


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13 许培扬 强涛 檀成龙 毛进 吴斌 刘钢 黄仁勇 史晓雷 李万春 杨顺楷 xlsd xiyouxiyou qzw

发表评论 评论 (12 个评论)

[12]钟贞旻  2017-8-16 04:07
[11]qzw  2017-8-13 20:24
就是在中国,我也认为不能靠 SON and DAUGHTER 。另外,何老的英文很简单嘛,既学了了知识又提高了英文,何乐不为?
[10]胡爱国  2017-8-13 20:03



1. 补充生活收入

2. 房屋补贴

3. 医疗护理

4. 免费食物

只要持有绿卡的老年人在美国拥有一定的资产(注意:美国政府无法得知你在中国是富豪还是穷光蛋 ),即使他们从未完成过一天的工作或缴纳了一分钱的税,他们都可以得到以上所述这些福利。事实上,我们听说有些老人的孩子已经回国大展宏图,而他们却坚守在美国享受这些福利。




2. 类似情况,在美国文化中,教育和抚养子女是完全是父母的责任。祖父母的角色则可参考一句俗话,“闭上嘴巴,打开钱包”。但是在中国习俗中,祖父母往往会越权干涉小孩的教育,再次造成家庭冲突与矛盾。

3. 除非老年人已经在附近有自己的朋友圈,否则去克服语言障碍,建立新的朋友关系,对他们来讲是件非常困难的事。要知道,上班的中生代们都有自己的生活和圈子,他们不可能每时每刻都和你在一起。

4. 对于那些国内已经混得非常光鲜的老年人来讲,来到美国的角色转化会更困难。在美国,你突然变成路人甲,没有人再会像你在中国那样恭维你,你懂的。所以请三思而行。

博主回复(2017-8-14 06:29)I have a few small corrections. But nothing to change the general excellence of your translation.
博主回复(2017-8-14 06:29)I have a few small corrections. But nothing to change the general excellence of your translation.
博主回复(2017-8-14 05:04)Very good translation. Many thanks.
[9]wwmwwm  2017-8-13 16:18
博主回复(2017-8-13 17:12)Good to know this.
[8]dwen  2017-8-13 10:49
博主回复(2017-8-13 12:44)Thank you for understanding and support
[7]胡良军  2017-8-13 05:03
大家这么说何先生,实在是不公平哦    俺替何先生解释一下吧:1. 何先生在美国生活一辈子,对中文尤其是书写方面的技能已经十分生疏,不能尽意表达个人意思;2. 在美国生活年数太久的学者,办公室及家庭使用的计算机系统一般都不会安装中文系统,也没有中文输入法。何先生的博文都是十分有指导价值的精品,我们应该感谢老先生的无私付出,不要勉为其难
博主回复(2017-8-13 05:20)Many thanks.
[6]蒲亨建  2017-8-13 04:47
[5]cake2003  2017-8-13 04:05













博主回复(2017-8-13 17:18)Thank you and google for the translation. I have added an item 4 to my article yesterday which Chinese parents should also take note of.
[4]蒲亨建  2017-8-13 04:00
博主回复(2017-8-13 04:42)Understandiong Chinese and writing Chinese are two different things.
[3]牛凤岐  2017-8-13 02:32
科学网是汉文(语言文字法是按汉语文制定的,所谓“中文”   ,有忽视非汉族人存在和使用本民族语言文字权力的嫌疑)网,博文应该用汉文发表,愿意同时附英文稿者,悉听尊便。
博主回复(2017-8-13 03:19)I have answered your question many times in the past tern years and have explicit permission from sciencenet to use english for my blogs.
[2]沈律  2017-8-13 01:15
[1]蒲亨建  2017-8-12 19:28
博主回复(2017-8-13 03:33)See my reply above.