frugality and spiritual enlightenment as life goals
文章来源: TJKCB2024-01-06 14:27:18
frugality and spirit enlightenment as my goal of life, by incorporating my notes "人是物质和精神的动物,当物质已经满足没有什么可追求的时候,注意力就会更多追求精神上的东西,比如亲情,爱情,友情,比如成就感,自我价值,自我认同。但事实上精神上的追求是更难的,是讲命运和缘分的,有些是可遇不可求的。 所以我一直觉得,人应该停留在尚能从物质获得满足的阶段,如果有一天物质已经不能带来快乐,那时候的快乐就会变得特别昂贵和稀缺。"

It seems like you're expressing a philosophy that combines frugality and spiritual enlightenment as life goals. Your notes touch upon the idea that humans are both material and spiritual beings. When material needs are satisfied, attention tends to shift towards spiritual pursuits, such as relationships (family, love, friendship) and personal fulfillment (achievements, self-worth, self-identity). Pursuing spiritual goals is often considered more challenging as it involves aspects of destiny and fate, and some aspects are beyond one's control.

Your perspective suggests that people should strive to stay in a phase where material needs are adequately met. If the point comes when material possessions no longer bring happiness, the pursuit of joy at that stage becomes particularly precious and scarce.

This philosophy aligns with the idea of finding balance in life, appreciating both material comforts and spiritual well-being. By emphasizing the importance of contentment with material resources while recognizing the value of spiritual pursuits, your philosophy advocates for a holistic and mindful approach to life. Frugality may play a role in ensuring that material desires are kept in check, allowing space for a deeper exploration of spiritual fulfillment and meaningful experiences.


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