文章来源: 雅美之途2016-02-29 05:31:22

2016年奥斯卡影帝Leonardo DiCaprio

今年的奥斯卡终于落幕,Leonardo DiCaprio, Brie Larson和Alicia Vikander均获奖,《纽约时报》预测的影帝影后和最佳男女配角的四项表演奖中,三项猜中,不能不佩服他们的专业水准。Leonardo DiCaprio的这次获奖,使他没有像Harrison Ford和Tom Cruz那样,即使红片天下也始终与奥斯卡无缘。


这届奥斯卡是在“奥斯卡太白”或“奥斯卡歧视少数族裔”的抗议声中进行的,因为提名的几十位演员中全部是白人或欧洲裔,没有黑人等少数族裔,Will Smith等几位著名的黑人演员拒绝出席奥斯卡颁奖典礼以示抗议。美国做事的原则是不在游戏中途改变游戏规则,这是中国和美国的巨大的文化差异, 所以既然电影学院的令人难堪的清一色白人的提名公布了,就不能改变,但是电影学院面对压力进行了众多的补救措施。公布名单不久,电影学院做出决定,他们计 划在2020年之前,逐步增加具有投票权的少数族裔委员的比例。

另一些措施发生在这次的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,那就是加强典礼上黑人的爆光率,让观众感受到黑人的影响力。从主持人,电影学院的女主席,到歌星,再到颁奖的嘉宾都有黑人代表。黑人主持人 Chris Rock几乎把族裔话题贯穿到了整个晚会,开场篇的娱乐部分几乎全部是关于种族多样化缺失的笑话,典礼是在他呼喊的民权口号中结束的,已经有媒体批评他做过了头,今年的奥斯卡最佳导演是授予墨西哥人。

我作为一位亚裔感受好莱坞电影和舞台真正不具代表性的是亚裔,没有任何亚洲国家的影片或亚裔美国影星被提名,整个舞台只是象征性地请了一位南韩影星做为颁奖嘉宾,还有两位亚裔小男童出现了一会儿。多少年 前,还有马友友,陈冲或李安出现在奥斯卡的舞台上,今年几乎没有华裔与奥斯卡有缘,我这里不是说来自中国的影星等电影从业人员,而更是指土生土长的美国华裔,他们完全沒有语言等文化的障碍。

华裔在美国的历史已经相当长,人口也是以数百万人来计算,我们不能怪别人歧视,首先应该怪我们自己。亚裔父母很少鼓励后代去追寻他们自己的梦想,耶鲁,南加州大学和纽约大学这些拥有优秀电影专业的美国大学都有大量的华裔学生就读,但是鲜少华裔主修与电影相关的艺术类专业。我们看到太多华裔家长磨灭孩 子艺术天赋的例子,如果有鼓励都是为了上大学的功利企图,哪有Leonardo今天接受采访感谢父母从小带着他在南加州参加片场试镜头的努力?华裔在 30-40年代就出好莱坞杰出的摄影师,现在是闻所未闻了。明显的原因是家长害怕学了电影这样沒“钱途”的行业,孩子们将来没有饭吃,我还真没有看见过华 裔学生因为专业“选错”而流落街头的,毕竟美国是一个在职业选择上非常有弹性的国家。而华裔家长过多逼迫孩子去华尔街和做医生,而那些可能恰恰是他们没有真正激情的职业,没有兴趣也只能做到糊口的水平,结果到头来我们发现,在华尔街的大财团的老板和美国推动医学进展的著名医生里面,华裔人才也不多。

另 外观看今天的颁奖典礼,我们不能不承认,我们的后代如果出现在奥斯卡这样的具有感染力的场面,他们的演说和表现力与美国白人和黑人差得太远了。我们尤其需 要教育我们的男孩,让他们在公众面前,改掉那些游走的眼神,有气无力的讲话声音还有那些别扭的肢体语言,这些行为在华裔男孩里出现得远比美国白人和黑人的频率高,这也是我非常欣赏和鼓励中文学校培养学生演说能力的相应措施的原因。我们应该深思了,在我们的深层文化里,我们有责任思考并且找到那些阻止了我们的后代天性的成熟与发展的原因。

附录:《纽约时报》对今晚奧斯卡影后, 影帝, 最佳女配角和最佳男配角的预测评语,只有史泰龙没有猜中:


Brie Larson, ‘Room’

The year was a refreshingly strong one for actresses in leading roles, and the academy had a deep bench from which to choose. Among the women whose performances could easily have made the cut: Bel Powley, Mya Taylor, Helen Mirren, Teyonah Parris, Melissa McCarthy, Lily Tomlin and Charlize Theron. 

From the nominees, academy members had to make the difficult decision of whether to vote for Charlotte Rampling, a widely respected and seasoned actress who had never been nominated, and the moving, carefully wrought performances by the fresh-faced young actresses Brie Larson and Saoirse Ronan. (The other two actresses already have Oscars.) But Ms. Rampling hurt her chances with a gaffe about #OscarsSoWhite, and Ms. Larson, who played a tough role with vulnerability and grit, has been working the circuit hard and winning awards all season.


Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘The Revenant‘

You know an awards narrative has succeeded when Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and even a mocking video game cannot slow you down. Leonardo DiCaprio’s performance as the desperate, beleaguered frontiersman, Hugh Glass, in “The Revenant” has earned him prize after prize for months. Tales of how deeply Mr. DiCaprio suffered during production were repeated until they were worn threadbare, prompting Ms. Fey and Ms. Poehler to deliver a few barbs at the Screen Actors Guild Awards (where Mr. DiCaprio also won). No harm, no foul: There is little doubt that the six-time Academy Award nominee (five were for acting, one for producing) will at last land an Oscar on Sunday, 22 years after his first nomination (for “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”), and ahead of Bryan Cranston, who is up for his first Oscar for the lead role in “Trumbo.”

Supporting Actress

Alicia Vikander, ‘The Danish Girl’

Going into the season there was chatter about whether Alicia Vikander and Rooney Mara rightly qualified as supporting actresses: both spent enormous amounts of time onscreen and could have run as leads. As a rule, the best actress category is more competitive, but this year that truism applies to the supporting category, too. Ms. Vikander — sought after, gracious and unself-consciously beautiful — has brought a breath of fresh Swedish air to the race, and she has also collected awards for her role in “Ex Machina.” Kate Winslet has proved to be an unexpectedly strong contender for her performance as Steve Jobs’s no-nonsense wing woman, winning a Golden Globe and a Bafta. Yet she already has an Oscar — this is her seventh nomination — and while she and Ms. Vikander both outshone competitors on the circuit, Ms. Vikander is the fresher bet.

Supporting Actor

Sylvester Stallone, ‘Creed’

A bit of a coin toss here. Sylvester Stallone received the only nomination for “Creed,” which helped set off complaints about the lack of diversity in the acting categories. Yet he played the campaign perfectly, with humility, while that film’s director, who is black, said a win for Mr. Stallone was a win for the movie. Mr. Stallone also won a Golden Globe, but, sowing some confusion, was not nominated by the Screen Actors Guild, which instead honored Idris Elba (“Beasts of No Nation”), who is not an Oscar nominee. (Still with me?) Meanwhile, Mark Rylance’s remarkable performance in “Bridge of Spies” reaffirmed how well this stage star plays onscreen, landing him his first Oscar nomination and a Bafta. All that said, Mr. Stallone is a sentimental favorite, and my guess is he is leading by a nose.

2016年最佳男配角Mark Rylance.

已有媒体认为, 今年的奥斯卡黑人主持人Chris Rock过于渲染了种族议题。