Out of Africa
文章来源: 一茗红雪2011-10-10 09:24:05
终于读完了《out of Africa》, 写的真好,感觉作者的血脉就和非洲的一草一木灌注在一起,她那么欣悦的在山水间看那些别人可能认为乏陈的风景,从中读出每一方景致的灵魂来。最后离开非洲,那么哀婉怅然,让人读着心痛。

看结尾的时候,正值steve jobs辞世,书里也正是Denys不幸飞机遇难。两个死亡在不同的时代不同的地点重合起来,叠加的沉重。作者的笔触细腻的展现每一处细节,别人怎么通知她这个噩耗的,她是怎样想起Denys的愿望,怎样在冰凉的雾里执着的找寻墓地,又怎样用木桩石头记忆下墓地的位置。。。全文没有一句作者想念的话语,没有一个哭的表情动作,却让人揪心的难过。



From there, to the South West, I saw the Ngong Hills. The noble wave of the mountain rose above thesurrounding flat land, all air blue. But it was so far away that the four peaks looked trifling, hardlydistinguishable, and different from the way they looked from the farm. The outline of the mountain was slowlysmoothed and levelled out by the hand of distance.
