文章来源: 山花浪漫2014-04-08 15:25:26

我叫吕雷,我的中文名子了:。 我英文名字是asboy. 我不喜欢这名字。还是吕雷好听。其实,我是名人后代, 我爸是大名星,连女皇都知道他。 我现在也更有名,我的名字上了好多大报纸,你看下边: 


Rowers beg Queen to remove ‘Asbo’ swan


Her Majesty’s swan warden, Dr Christopher Perrins, said any request to remove the bird would have to go through the monarch as the Queen has the right to ownership of any swan.

He added: “If, and I am sure this will be the case, she declines ownership then people must approach Natural England for a licence to do anything.” Dr Perrins suggested the swan could be moved or have one of its wings clipped, causing it to be thrown off balance when launching an attack.



Son of vicious swan Mr Asbo terrorises Cambridge rowers

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water ...another swan, believed to be the son of vicious bird Mr Asbo, has been attacking rowers on the River Cam in Cambridge.


SLIDESHOW: What happened when Asboy - the son of aggressive swan Mr Asbo - took on a cow in Cambridge?

Read more: http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/Cambridge/SLIDESHOW-What-happened-when-Asboy-the-son-of-aggressive-swan-Mr-Asbo-took-on-a-cow-in-Cambridge-20131016055004.htm#ixzz2yKcn3lvX

1 几天前山花看到我,我很兴奋,因为她拿着相机,我就喜欢被报道。

2. 你在看什么我也要看。

3, 不让看我咬你。。。

4. 都吓跑了吧。。

5. 哈哈,山花也吓跑了,这是她的宝马, 一点都不好看。。

6. 喂,你们敢上这来,这是我的地盘。。


8. 山花, 你看我表现如何。。 


10, 我发现情况了, 有个女孩过来了,我豆豆她。。

11, 还得上岸,,

12, 有时我很郁闷,我也不明白为什麽, 他们说是遗传。。有个牛津叫兽还要研究我。

13 你敢动吗。。嘿。。

14. 我可是不分男女的,一样对待。

15. 你就耐心等吧。。


17 我有点烦了。。

17, 山花你也回去吧。 

18我去找个girl 去,太没意思了。 

19,多美的天啊, 那有个girl,离我那么远,why???,, 谢谢你采访了。我又要出名了,当名人烦,他们会经常弄错名字的,下次你一定写对名字,我的名字叫吕雷,,多cool的名字。。