to kill a mocking bird
文章来源: 柔坚2022-05-04 11:54:04

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      Every one agrees that life is valuable.

      Harper Lee, perhaps, is the most successful novelist of all about depression time. Her novel < to kill a mocking bird>, is supreme and unparalleled. 

      Unlike Harriet Beacher Stowe, the author of “Uncle Tom Cabin”, Lee went to law school.  The classic modern American literature is popular in both American and British middle and high schools. Unlike other contemporaries on Southern novels, Lee had real life experience in old southern times.

       Her heroes were rooted deeply in her experience and memories, and in both the history and the mythology. Her father was an attorney and a similar story happened when Lee was a child.  In the novel, a good-bad man, an incidental noble recluse, an attorney made shamed by vicious gossip. In short, an individual was conflicted with himself and the Southern bias. An honest and kind African-American struggling for survival against the elements and poverty was framed by a couple of vicious white father and daughter.  Tom was accused of raping by the White jury regardless the fact that nothing but the plot without any evidence.  He was sentenced to death.  The judge, sheriff and Attics Finch, the African American group all believed him innocent. 

        As an attorney, Attics Finch knew the result would be against the African American according to the time and place and history. But he still trusted his conscious and defended very carefully and successful for Tom.  His only children were attacked by the malicious hypocrisy. The neighbor rescued them from the murder’s knife.

        When sheriff recovered the truth and said the murderer died in his own knife, the audiences found it   easy to understand and forgive. Even no time and period in American history was absurdly romanticized like in the novel, myth and reality did join hands in Lee’s novel.

            Even in the time people judged by their colors, the Finches and some honesty people still made their best to live according to their conscious despise the undeclared aggression and chicanery.

            To kill a mocking bird is to frame an innocent people, human being wielded by bias, peers, and injustice, and unhorsed by law, alien tattoo, and locations.  Real brave person may choose their own way to think and do the right thing.

            Life is valuable; no one is underdog from others unless he was doing things against his conscious. We all need a code to live by and be a hero of our life. There is only one hero in this novel, who knew the right things and insisted on doing it.