3个最牛的黑人反左派black lives matter影集
文章来源: zhang882017-08-26 09:17:31

3个最牛的黑人反左派black lives matter影集





3 Black people slammed Black Lives Matter

Larry Elder, Mason Weaver, Candace Owens, Black Lives Matter,slam,alt right, alt left, Black Lies matter,blm,

You will hear 3 black people slamming the alt left and Black Lives Matter:  "They want people to be angry so that they will vote for democrats.";

 "When Freddie Gray was killed, the city council was 100% democrat. The top cop was black; the number 2 cop was black; the mayor was black; the AG was black.";  


"93% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks, BLM may consider the slogan: 'don't shoot, we are already covered'"; 


"Black Lies matter"; "the black lives matter people became famous, powerful, they got a lot of money doing it."