文章来源: 笨狼2021-05-05 18:23:07
有些时候你听到拜登说他怎么带领美国、自由世界与中国斗,真听累了,怎么没了中国就不知道怎么活了呢?美国人民对到海外推销民主很不顺,拜登就将之说成“捍卫”民主,因为民主与专制之斗已经到了你死我活(existentialOpinion | Joe Biden: My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies - The Washington Post)的地步,他的使命必须保证民主的生存。
Beijing’s self-imposed problems make it a less threatening challenger than it seems
 “Dialogue is now conditional on us not criticizing China,” a senior German official told me. “We can’t even have a rational conversation about the sanctions.”
We Should Not Underestimate China’s Military Ambitions - The Dispatch
troll Frum
To be a true threat to the United States, China must combine a desire to harm the United States or its interests with the ability to do so. Unfortunately, Beijing increasingly has demonstrated both.
In this year’s Annual Worldwide Threat Assessment, the U.S. intelligence community is explicit on this point, calling China increasingly a “near-peer competitor” that has “demonstrated the capability and intent to advance their interests at the expense of the United States and its allies.”
One such warning: China will replace America. China is on track to surpass us economically, militarily and geopolitically.
it employs effective economic principles, technology and education. China has replaced socialism with capitalism, stolen technology and educated large cohorts of its people — by 2016, it boasted eight times as many STEM graduates a year as the United States
 We must constrain China’s economic predation by partnering with our allies and friends to deny China free access to our markets unless it agrees to abide by global rules of fair trade
 have run headlong into China’s paramount priority of defending its authoritarian system from foreign interference.
China, even if it rises, does not present much of a security threat to the United States
"Europe sees itself as a moderating force in the escalating competition between the United States and China. For economic and political reasons, it is pushing back against the notion of a zero-sum world and refusing to choose sides. Walking this geopolitical tightrope will be increasingly challenging. China may welcome a nonaligned Europe, but U.S. politicians will find it very difficult to swallow." -- Noah Barkin
G7 takes aim at China over Taiwan Strait – POLITICO(七强公布好像没有《政客》描述的那么严重)
"The phrases I heard throughout the day were about coherence, about collaboration, about co-operation," said one.
"C-words abound," agreed another, adding "consensus" and "convergence."
So yes, they thought it went well. And after all, why wouldn't it?
Line chart of EU exports to the UK as a % of total exports outside the EU (3-month rolling average) showing The UK's dwindling share of EU exports
The Surprising Strength of Chinese-Japanese Ties
Tokyo Will Not Break With Beijing—No Matter What Washington Wants
自1972年中日邦交正常化以来,虽然两国关系风风雨雨,一波三折,但经过长期的合作,中日两国经济相互依存度不断提高,形成了 “ 你中有我,我中有你 ” 局面。在双方的共同努力下,两国经贸合作已经形成 “ 全方位、宽领域、多层次 ” 的合作格局,成为中日关系的“压舱石”和“推进器”。中国改革开放40多年来,日本通过对华贸易、直接投资、开发援助、科技合作等方式对中国现代化建设给予了宝贵支持,同时,日本也获得了巨大市场和丰厚利益,这是合作共赢的结果
2010 年中国GDP超过日本成为世界第二大经济体,日本失落感增强,战略焦虑凸显。从中日关系的大背景来看,以2010年9月 “ 撞船事件 ” 为转折点,中日关系转冷,而在2012年日本政府悍然宣布钓鱼岛 “ 国有化 ” 后两国关系降至冰点。伴随着中日政治关系的恶化,双边经济关系也出现剧烈波动。构成中日经济关系的四大支柱:双边贸易、双边投资、财政金融合作和区域经济一体化几乎全线受阻。中日贸易额在2011年达到3429.9亿美元高点之后,2012—2016年出现连续5年负增长;日本对华直接投资在2012年达到73.8亿美元后, 2013—2016年出现连续4年负增长,投资额降至高峰期的一半以下。同期中日财政合作、金融合作也几乎停滞。中日韩FTA谈判、 RCEP谈判也受到一定程度的影响。
2017年以来,随着中日关系的改善,中日经贸关系也随之得以恢复。2017—2018年,中日贸易和日本对华直接投资双双出现了两年的正增长。2018年可以说是中日关系和中日经济关系的丰收年,这一年中日双边贸易额恢复至 3276.6亿美元,日本对华直接投资恢复到38.1亿美元


Naturally, the spat played out publicly in D.C.’s equivalent of a high school paper, Politico
by stipulating that “the United States Government shall not place any restrictions on the ability of officials of the Department of State and other United States Government departments and agencies to interact directly and routinely with counterparts in the Taiwan government.”
 “If China sent special operations forces or used lethal drone strikes in a half-dozen African or Asian countries to combat potential anti-Chinese terrorism, Washington would lose its mind. That’s American exceptionalism.”
Macron slams ‘Anglo-Saxons’ for hindering exports of jabs and vital ingredients
As a result, the U.S. government laid claim not only to vast quantities of finished COVID-19 vaccines but also to vaccine components and equipment all along the supply chain, according to a Reuters review of more than a dozen contracts involving some major suppliers.
But the waiver would not address a less conspicuous but equally pressing problem: the growing worldwide shortage of vaccine ingredients and manufacturing equipment. The United States has a tight grip on a significant amount of those materials, such as filters, tubing and specialized disposable bags essential to making vaccines.
Katherine Tai, the U.S. trade representative, briefly mentioned in her statement about Biden’s patent decision that the administration would “work to increase the raw materials needed” to make vaccines. She did not elaborate
A dose of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, for example, requires 280 components from multiple countries, according to the company. The idea of moving from what Okonjo-Iweala calls “just in time to just in case to just at home” is harder than it looks.
“中国”是什么?Thread by @SamoBurja
Global map showing US or China with larger goods trade
It has become apparent that American business and industry have shifted decisively away from Chinese sourcing, in part because of China’s nationalist positioning during the pandemic but also because of more lasting and fundamental cost considerations
“This next bill can be almost completely characterized as investment in the future.”
“A highway bill cannot grow into a multi-trillion dollar catch-all bill, or it will lose Republican support,”
Bar chart of Estimated change in number of people in each income tier due to the global recession (m) showing India’s poor grew while middle class shrank in 2020
Bar chart of Estimated number of people in each income tier in 2020 before and after the global recession (m) showing The pandemic sets back growth of India’s middle class
西媒的“白人至上主义”:Thread by @SiyandaWrites
The British Industrial Revolution lifted Britain's growth rate to 1.1% per capita per year over the fifty-year period starting around 1820.
The Revolution involved a population of approximately 30 million in Britain, and some 50-60 million in the rest of Europe.
【#拜登 上任百日演说四次提中国:欢迎与中国竞争,不会寻求冲突】28日,拜登在国会参众两院联席会议上发表演讲,这是拜登作为总统首次在国会发表演讲。
But partners from Japan to Australia are nervous about one thing: the lack of a strong trade and economic component to his Asia strategy.
“The presence of an aircraft carrier or destroyer is not going to demonstrate the type of value that many American allies and partners most seek.”
    “We need to revisit why agreements like the TPP became so fragile here, reformulate our policies . . . continue to engage our partners, but along the lines of reformed policies so that these very important commitments that we take with our partners don’t fall apart and are more durable and sustainable going forward,” Tai added
蔡妮(Liz Cheney)被撤职
 if the current Republican Party controls both Houses of Congress on Jan. 6, 2025, there’s no way if a Democrat is legitimately elected they will get certified as the president-elect.”
China's PPI surged in April while CPI remained relatively subdued
Wages are lagging
Nearly 70 percent of the value of a typical solar panel assembled in the United States accrues to firms in China or Chinese firms operating across Southeast Asia
offshore wind supply chain is largely in Europe
Many managers are unwilling to raise wages and prices enough to keep up, as they worry that demand will ebb in a few months and leave them with permanently higher payroll costs
either by spending on needed infrastructure or by boosting household income.
“So far we are trying to counter Belt and Road mostly with buzzwords and lofty policy papers,” said one senior EU diplomat. “But unfortunately there is no real geopolitical strategy or plan which is consistent and coherent. There’s a real need to work together on infrastructure projects and avoid countries becoming over-reliant on China.”
中国的一带一路,按英国智库漆咸楼(Chatham House,正式名称为皇家国际事务研究所,The Royal Institute of International Affairs)综合西方的解释, 是中国的一个地缘政治战略,其目的是在欧亚大陆甚至整个世界建立以中国为中心的新秩序,包含了 “深思熟虑的中国大战略”,旨在“重新夺回亚洲的地缘政治主导权,挑战]美国的主导权,建立以中国为中心的秩序”,是一个“地缘政治和外交攻势”,其目的“无异于改写当前的地缘政治格局,建立世界主导权”,这些观点也成为美国政府的看法,将之视为。漆咸楼很权威
As the BRI has developed over the years, projects have been largely scaled back, and the ones we’ve seen in the last few years tend to be more in touch with local conditions.
The PRC has learned these lessons, and is getting better at this kind of work. The BRI isn’t going anywhere (it’s Xi’s signature FP and is in the CCP constitution) and the liberal world would do well not to write it off due to a few early failures
Bruno Maçães
China pulled its most brilliant coup when it convinced everyone in the West that the Belt and Road was about infrastructure
Loans are not obviously predatory; secrecy is sometimes a condition
These include confidentiality clauses that prevent borrowers from revealing the terms of the loans, informal collateral arrangements that benefit Chinese lenders over other creditors and promises to keep the debt out of collective restructurings - dubbed by the authors as “no Paris Club” clauses, the report said. The contracts also give substantial leeway for China to cancel loans or accelerate repayment, it added.
Maria Adele Carrai is an assistant professor in global China studies at New York University Shanghai
肯尼亚铁路,To critics, Kenya’s railway project represents another example of Chinese-owed debt and China’s growing influence in Africa. Indeed, many commentators point out that Kenya has an estimated $9 billion in China-financed debt — and note their concerns that a growing number of projects under China’s Belt and Road Initiative,
My research on two Chinese railway megaprojects in East Africa — the Nairobi-Mombasa line and Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa-Djibouti project — suggests the fears that China is upending development guidelines might be misplaced
I analyzed primary sources like Chinese government corporate social responsibility
Chinese government and state-owned enterprises have made CSR a priority, yet these two railway megaprojects show that implementation largely depends on local conditions,  suggests insufficient Chinese government enforcement of CSR policies encourages Chinese organizations and enterprises to follow host-government guidelines. At times, this means Chinese companies resort to what I call “adaptive governance” 主要的问题是中企【如果发现东道主国的法律要求低过中国政府的,就】采用东道主国的,这是
Beijing has actively worked to increase CSR within Chinese state-owned enterprises and banks since the early 2000s. The central government, ever cognizant of its international reputation, has vigorously promoted higher standards for state-owned and private Chinese enterprises operating abroad. Hundreds of Chinese regulations and codes require Chinese companies to respect local customs and cultures, honor social responsibilities and protect labor and the environment. In both Kenya and Ethiopia, however, the impact of China’s national directives appears to be limited. Here’s what I found
Brussels responds to Podgorica’s request — and whether it will bail the country out of a project long deemed unviable — will help to shape the bloc’s relationship with the region.
“This is the first time that Montenegro or any other country from the western Balkans has made this type of outreach towards Brussels to combat rising Chinese influence."
Montenegro raised eyebrows in 2014 when it signed a deal with China’s ExIm Bank to finance 85 per cent of the cost of a road with a dollar-denominated loan worth almost $1bn. The first 41km section, a quarter of the total length, cost €20m per km, making it one of the most expensive highways per km in the world, said Spajic.
Its decision has been scrutinised given that two separate feasibility studies, in 2006 and 2012, concluded that the highway was economically unviable. The government also signed a €54m contract with a Montenegrin-Chinese consortium for a thermal power plant just before it was ejected from office.
signed by the previous Montenegro government led by the Democratic Party of Socialists, which was ousted in August after 30 years in power.
Observers said Montenegro’s plea was an opportunity for Brussels. “The EU should step in,” said Tena Prelec, a scholar at the University of Oxford who studies the region. “Montenegro is in the EU’s backyard: it would be, finally, a concrete way to show that the EU is indeed a player, a true geostrategic actor.”
Bruno Maçães, Dec 27, 2020
And this for me was the piece that least contributed to the debate, sending us back a few years in our understanding of what the Belt and Road is
Annual loans ($bn) showing China's overseas lending collapses
Boston University interactive
Based on the observation of its implementation, Beijing’s official statements, and my own research, I would argue it is a constantly changing group of policy settings, which encompasses almost all the various clarifications
In practice, the piecemeal realization of BRI projects is determined by local governments and their related political and economic interests via diverse and time-consuming bilateral interaction with Beijing
Yufan Huang is a PhD candidate in the government department of Cornell University
Chinese banks offered African countries significant debt restructuring before the pandemic and have continued to do so
The G-20 effort marks the first time China is participating in multilateral debt relief. As Africa’s largest bilateral creditor, China holds at least 21 percent of African debt — and payments to China account for nearly 30 percent of 2021’s debt service, as shown in the figure below.
西方: they are not relaxing repayment requirements. Likewise, bondholders, who are responsible for 19 percent of 2021’s debt service, have held back from providing any debt relief.
Our research at the Johns Hopkins SAIS China-Africa Research Initiative (CARI) suggests that China has played a significant role in helping African countries to manage their debt. We documented 16 cases of debt restructuring worth $7.5 billion in 10 African countries between 2000 and 2019
Our research found that Chinese lenders have not pursued lawsuits in cases of debt default. We also found no asset seizures.
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature foreign policy undertaking and the world’s largest infrastructure program, poses a significant challenge to U.S. economic, political, climate change, security, and global health interests
    China has not been the primary driver behind rising debt risks in the Pacific, although a continuation of business as usual would risk future debt problems in several countries.
    There is scope for a new Australian infrastructure financing facility to provide loans to the Pacific without causing debt problems, particularly as it has adopted key sustainable lending rules.
    Pacific nations have an opportunity to obtain more favourable financing from official development partners but care must be taken to avoid overly geopolitical aid.
How to frame something for what it is not
Trash #China is the thing. It works. It pays. It's a sport
If this is to insult China, it will work. But it also insults @narendramodi
Great power competition doesn't have to be mean. But if one recalles
How Recipient Countries Shape China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Chatham House expose
This whole narrative misunderstands China and ignores the interests and agency of recipient countries
Sinologists have documented the reality of what they term fragmented authoritarianism, recounting fierce inter-agency rivalries and factionalism, which top leaders struggle to manage, even under Xi,
In reality, the idea of aggregating China’s long-standing infrastructure connectivity projects beneath a broad banner originated with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC),
as party-state agencies jostled for resources.
Disbursements start with requests from abroad, not Chinese planners. The whole edifice—especially today, with growth slowing, profitability collapsing, and surplus capacity endemic—is skewed towards helping Chinese businesses expand overseas
* Asia Society report warns that Chinese officials’ ‘laissez-faire’ attitudes mean projects are not being properly vetted in Southeast Asia
Letter to the Editor: Why China Will NOT Seize the Port of Mombasa if Kenya Defaults on SGR Debt - The China Africa Project
一带一路债务陷阱和Iraq Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)
Brazilian vice-president: Embraer should now look to China
Nigerians living near a major Belt and Road project grew more positive toward China after it was completed
西方哲学5:邓晓芒| 西方哲学的文化背景 - 知乎(邓晓芒能说出这般脑残的话)
中西方文化传统的差异、根源及其影响(北京师范大学 教授 李守福)
【#当代年轻人从未选择躺平#】疫情爆发,年轻的白衣战士,逆行出征;边境边关,年轻的人民子弟兵以少敌多,用生命捍卫祖国领土;航天中心,平均年龄只有31岁的科研人员,已经是中坚力量……在大风大浪中,青年一代不负使命,不负家国。他们有信念、有梦想、有奋斗、有奉献,他们从未选择“躺平”! ?
 have run headlong into China’s paramount priority of defending its authoritarian system from foreign interference.
It has launched the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the New Development Bank (along with Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa), and, most notably, the Belt and Road Initiative, Xi’s grandiose vision for building land and maritime routes to connect China to much of the world. These institutions and programs have given China agenda-setting and convening power of its own, while often departing from the standards and values upheld by existing international institutions.
he had no direct communications links with his Chinese counterpart. Somewhat reassuringly, China and the U.S. have some agreed-on protocols for unplanned encounters at sea and in the air.
China has also developed gray zone tactics in the South China Sea -- blurring civilian and military capabilities -- with a mandate to use force if necessary to support China's territorial claims.
“Xi Jinping was chosen to deal with the centripetal forces of Hu Jintao’s decade: indecision, stalled reforms, ministers ignoring the prime minister, local governments ignoring the center, the private economy overrunning the state economy, civil society threatening the role of the Party, and military leaders focused on real estate deals.”
Indeed, it says more about us than about them, and, sadly, what it says is how much our self-confidence has taken a beating.
Now, every Chinese militarized rock in the South China Sea is a strategic defeat, and every Chinese bad loan to Africa is a debt trap