有爱相伴的日子 20180226-28 感冒还没有好
文章来源: 如花美眷-012018-03-01 12:04:16

得特别遗憾,说我应该叫醒他,做点什么 。。。周三晚上他又买了夜用的糖浆,睡得还好。

周一下午,他说:How are you feeling?

    Feeling good, you?

How's the cold?

    I feel fine baby


    Got your hair fixed?

Nope, left it soft for your enjoyment tonight

    Nice! I love it. :-)

明天都问候一下,周三说估计他的车弄好了:Should get my car back today.

    You are getting your baby back


    I am your baby.

Well, one of them. I don't leave you in a parking garage, or swap you out in the summer for a hot red number. You should be happy!


Sister canceled for tonight

    Good, otherwise I would not be able to join you. Soooo tired.

We'll get you to sleep early. Remember that chicken noodle soup I got before? Did you want some for supper?

    I want only sleep baby

No comfort food?

    Don't want to eat

Eat when you get home then crash. I'll be home later. But eat a few dumplings at least.
