有爱相伴的日子 20180610-14 Life is beautiful
文章来源: 如花美眷-012018-06-15 09:15:39


周二,"National Superman Day today."

    "Wow, your day! What should I get for my superman?"

"Something sexy worn on you."


跟我一起整理房间,回家路上 Quiznos Lobster Sub。。。


周三,我:"How are you feeling today?" "Had you slept well?"

Better, my back is getting better. My body is wanting to sleep more to heal.

    Yeah, that's why I asked. I feel like you need more sleep

Slept well but want more

    You are more and more like me :-)

Lol I'm being corrupted


下午,他:"I presume you're going to the ... after work? I can get an air filter and something for BBQ.

Feel like steak or a chicken?"


说:“好帅呀!又高又帅!” 大部分人都会这么说,只有我一个女朋友说他,“好什么好,瘦不拉唧的。”


亲我的头发,含情脉脉地说:"Life is beautiful!"
