文章来源: 魏薇2021-12-29 18:24:46

陪小孩读书时,读了一篇PSAT上的短文。因为短文中介绍的是位非常知名的华裔画家,所以过后去GOOGLE 和BAIDU上都搜了一下,知道他的中文名是曾景文。随后把英文敲入电脑,又借着兴头,翻译了一部份。这种中英互译的兴趣大概是懂了两种语言后的副产物吧。


A 1954 documentary about renowed watercolor painter Kong Kingman shows the artist sitting on a stool on Mott Street in NYC's Chinatown. A crowd of admiring spectators watches as Kingman squeezes dollops of paint from several tubes into a tin watercolor box. From just a few primary colors, Kingman creates dozens of beautiful hues(色调) as he layers the translucent(半透明的) paint onto a paper on his easel. Each stroke of the brush and dab of the sponge transforms thinly sketched outlines into buildings, shop signs, and steetlamps. The street scene Kimgman begins composing in this short film is very much in keeping with the urban landscapes for which he is best known. 

一部1954年的纪录片中展示了这样一幅场景:著名水彩画画家曾景文坐在他美国纽约中国城MOTT大街的矮凳上,一群他的崇拜者看着他把从几个管子里把颜料挤到锡铁调色盒中。 凭着这几种主色,曾景文就在纸上层叠着调出了几十种不同的色影。 借助毛笔和海绵,他将那些细细的轮廓线转变成建筑,招牌,街灯。在这部短片中,曾景文展示了他最为熟知的城市景观。

kingman was keenly interested in landscape painting from an early age. In Hongkong, where Kingman completed his schooling, teachers at that time customarily assigned students a formal "school name."His interest was so keen, in fact ,that he was named after it. The young boy who had been Dong Moy Shu became Dong Kingman. The name Kingman was seleted for "scenery" and "composition." As Kingman develped as a painter, his works were often compared to paintings by Chinese landscape artists dating back to CE 960, a time when a strong tradition of landscape painting emerged in Chinese art. Kingman, however, vacated from that tradition in a number of ways, most notably in that he chose to focus not on natural landscapes, such as mountains and rivers , but on cities. 

曾景文打小就对风景画有兴趣。他是在香港完成的学业,在那里老师依照传统给他起了个学名。 他的学名取自于他炽热的兴趣,”景“-风景;文“文作”,自此,那个原来叫曾谋叔的男孩就变成了曾景文。当曾景文成为画家后,人们常将他的画作与公元960 年时的中国风景画家的作品相比较,那时的中国风景画已形了强烈的传统画风。但是曾景文的画作与前辈水彩画家的作品有很多不同之处,其中最让人称道的是他的取景地不是诸如高山,河流这样的自然地带,而是城市地带。

In his urban landscapes, Kingman captures the vibrancy of crowded cities. His fine brushwork converys detailed street-level activity: a peanut vendor pushing his cart on the sidewalk, a pigeon pecking for crumbs around a fire hydrant, an old man tending to a baby outside a doorway. His broader brush strokes and sponge-painted shapes create majestic city skylines, with skyscrapers towering in the background, bridges connecting neighborhoods on either side of a river, and enormous ships docking at busy urban ports. To art critics and fans alike, these city scenes represent the innovative spirit of twentieth-century urban Modernisam. 

在他的市景中,他抓取了拥挤城市中的沸腾场景。他精致的笔触表现出了琐细的街道生活。一个花生小贩推着售货车行走在路边道上,一只鸽子啄食着消防栓边的面包屑,一位老人在门前过道上照看婴儿。他更为粗的毛刷涂顿和借助海绵涂出的形状创造出一种雄伟的城市天际线, 其背景中是摩天大楼,桥梁连接起的河两岸城区, 以及巨轮停泊的忙碌城市海港。对于艺术评论家和粉丝来说,这些城市景观代表了二十世纪城市现代化进程中的创新精神。

During his career, Kingman exhibited his work internationally. He garnered(储蓄) much acclaim. In 1936, a critic described one of Kingman's solo exhibits as ”twenty of the freshest, most satisfying watercolors that have been seen hereabouts in many a day." Since Kingman's death in 2000, museums across the United States and in China have continued to ensure that his now-iconic landscapes remain avaibable for the public to enjoy. 

在景文的职业生涯中,他的作品被在世界各地展出。 他累积了许多的赞誉。1936年,一位评论家这样描述景文的一次个人作品展览会,"众多二十世纪最清新,最让人满意的水彩画在一日之内我全看到了。“ 2000年当景文去世时,中美各地的美术馆继续让他的作品出现在大众的视野中,供人们品鉴欣赏。


看着高中生的儿子写出这样的答案,我告他我实在是服了他, 若他的数学水平能达到普通人的水准,他的智商值肯定达到小天才分值。画了图解后,他总算明白了。我只能说:人的思维模式真是太不同了,他的问题是没有把那些符号具体成概念来理解,而是把它们看成了图画。纠正他错误的数学思维模式是关键。进而想到:也是思维模式的不同造成了人观念的不同。


Eyes are the window of the soul.眼睛是心灵的窗户。今天突然想到了这句老话,一查才知道这话出自莎士比亚,”Eyes ae the window to your soul".----

人老腿先老。 You will not genuinly feel old till your have aging legs. 


一年又一年,时光如流水,一去不复返。一转眼就在疫情过了两年,愿2022年世界上的人们不再受疫情的困扰。 year after year, time goes by like flowing water. I can't believe we have been living in the pandemic for almost two years.  I wish with the coming of year 2022, people all of the world will not suffer from this pandemic anymore.




