学写英文--Jorden hill (1)
文章来源: 魏薇2022-02-05 04:57:24

6. Jorden hill Area

Jorden hill is located at the extensive area of Green Grass Field. The road leading to the high school and the community center cuts through the hill and the GGF area. I don’t know when was the road built, when I moved to this neighborhood and resumed my daily walking routine, it was already a worn out road, cracks being all along the road with some being fixed and some not.

During 2017-2018, the Town set new developing plans, more commercial services were invited in. Since 2018, people could easily feel the enviorment of a new round of economic development plan.  Along with the development of economic environment, the residential living environment got improved simultaneously, roads and public buildings were either fixed or upgraded. 

Town started upgrading this road in spring of 2020 when majority of Americans were enveloped in the gray cloud of anxiety coming from Covid-19 pandemic. Road fixing works are quite common works, I saw many times. But by then, the work was not simply a construction work as the works I have seen before.  In a slowed down society with only essential businesses being allowed to open, it was more meaningful.  

Jorden hill used to be a private property under Scott’s family. Historically the town was famous for agriculture, quite amount of town residents made living by working in farms. 

Scott’s family grew crops and raised dairy cows in their farms since early 20s century. Starting from 60s, with the development of industrial and commercial in the state, agriculture didn’t play important role as it used to be. The majority of farm lands have been changed to adapt the evolved social and economic trends.  But to honor the history, a few farm lands were preserved as symbols of heritage and honor.  

As a privately owned property, Scott’s family has the hill opened as a public sledding area in winter. Generations of residents enjoyed the beauty of white snow in shouting and cheering in the hill.  At those moments, who would complain the bitter cold winter in their hometown?



昨天和儿子讲到阳历新年虽然一直叫CHINESE NEW YEAR(或LUNAR NEW YEAR), 但实际上亚洲的许多其它国家也有此传统。当初之所以被冠以CHINESE的名,是因为此节日最早始于中国的商代,后传到亚洲其它国家。没去探究何时又是如何传入他国的,但想必是和中国历史上曾经的辉煌分不开。经济是基础,文化属上层建筑。一个国家经济强,其文化才有影响力。这两年兴起的外国人学中文热也是和中国国力提升分不开的。借此由社会谈到个人,说到了马斯洛的需求理论。“我们正好在讲这些”“什么课上讲的?”“HEALTH"( 我知道全称是PHYSICAL AND HEALTH). 以前看这课名,以为只是讲与身体健康有关的知识。


