Clare Daly EU debates Russian - Ukraine,human rights in Russia
文章来源: 风萧萧_Frank2022-04-30 05:10:07


Clare Daly EUdebates Russian aggression in Ukraine

35,429次观看 2022年3月12日
Clare Daly (The Left). – Mr President, I wholeheartedly welcome the EU’s unprecedented provision of immediate protection for Ukrainian refugees fleeing this devastating war. This rightfully respects our mandate to protect the fundamental rights of those entering our territories and it’s heartening to see the outpouring of support and solidarity from every point of the EU.
But how do we explain that solidarity with, for example, in Poland, less than three months ago, the fact that 19 people perished from cold on our borders, met with barbed wire and water cannon? How do we explain that solidarity with the fact that there are Afghan refugees in Greek jails charged with people smuggling, or there are people beaten back from the borders of Croatia in appalling circumstances, sodomised and robbed?
How can this be the same European Union? It’s because our society, our media and our politicians portray some refugees as more human than others, based on their origin and their race. We have to ensure a consistent, non-discriminatory application of international asylum law. Everybody has the right to the highest international standards. I hope this is a turning point.
On Tuesday afternoon, plenary debated with Council and Commission representatives the deteriorating situation for refugees as a consequence of the Russian invasion. According to the UNHCR, more than one million persons have left the country since 24 February, most of them heading to neighbouring countries. The European Commission proposed on Wednesday to activate the Temporary Protection Directive, to ensure that Ukrainians get protection in the EU, including temporary residence rights and access to education and the labour market.
#WAR #Sanctions #Russia #Ukraine #PutinsWar #refugees 
In a separate debate on Wednesday morning, in which Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas will participate, MEPs will look into the EU’s role in a changing world and Europe’s security situation in the wake of the Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine. President Metsola and Prime Minister Kallas will give a press conference after the debate.
These exchanges follow the extraordinary plenary session held on Tuesday 1 March, with the remote participation of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Speaker of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (parliament) Ruslan Stefanchuk. Parliament adopted a resolution calling for tougher sanctions against Russia and new efforts to grant Ukraine EU candidate status.
Russian aggression in Ukraine: MEPs praise exceptional solidarity with refugees. As more than two million refugees flee war in Ukraine, mostly towards the EU, member states will have to continue showing solidarity, MEPs said on Tuesday.
In a plenary debate with Brigitte Klinkert, French Minister Delegate for Economic Inclusion, on behalf of the Council, and Commissioner Ylva Johansson, MEPs highlighted the dramatic humanitarian and refugee situation caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine. They praised frontline states for their extraordinary engagement so far, but warned that sustained solidarity across the EU will be necessary in the long-term. Speakers unanimously condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
Commissioner Ylva Johansson stressed the extraordinary pressure on member states sharing borders with Ukraine: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, as well as Republic of Moldova. The EU rose to the challenge when the Council unanimously activated the temporary protection mechanism, providing solidarity across the EU, by supporting the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and the Red Cross working on the ground, and via the activation of €500 million in humanitarian aid.
MEPs also welcomed the EU’s swift response, ensuring protection to those fleeing from Ukraine, and called for sufficient financial aid to maintain support in the medium- and long-term. Some speakers wished to see concrete progress on the reform of the EU’s migration and asylum rules, with others stressing that all refugees, regardless of their ethnicity, need the same protection. 
Europe stands united, with you. European Parliament President Roberta Metsola addressed the Plenary on the Occasion of the International Women's Day. Welcoming Ukrainian writer Oksana Zabuzhko, President Metsola said that the European Parliament will serve as a platform for the strength of Ukrainian brave women to be shown to the world. 
Opening the Plenary Session in Strasbourg, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola called on the Russian authorities to free those unjustly jailed. Freedom of expression is a right which we will protect and defend. President Metsola also called on Kremlin to stop intimidating protestors and release immediately all those detained. #  


Clare Daly EU debates human rights in Russia and the "Foreign Agents" Law

2019年12月29日, 52,946次观看

EU Debates |

Clare Daly eudebates the Russian "Foreign Agents" Law. After the EUdebate the European Parliament adopted a resolution taking stock of the human rights situation in Russia.

Who can be labeled a“foreign agent”? 
What happens to so-called “foreign agents”? 
What are experts saying? 
Russia must repeal its law on ‘foreign agents’?

Russia has passed legislation that will allow individual journalists and bloggers to be labeled “foreign agents,” a move that critics say will tighten curbs on the media and free speech. At least nine news organizations funded by the U.S. government have been designated “foreign agents” under the original version of the law since it was signed by President Vladimir Putin in 2017 as a retaliation to America’s decision to restrict Kremlin-run media. 

The Russian "foreign agent" law, officially "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding the Regulation of the Activities of Non-profit Organisations Performing the Functions of a Foreign Agent", is a law in Russia that requires non-profit organizations that receive foreign donations and engage in "political activity" to register and declare themselves as foreign agents.

The bill was introduced in July 2012 by legislators from the governing United Russia party and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin on 20 July 2012. The new legislation is a series of amendments to existing laws with changes being applied to the criminal code and the laws “On Public Associations,” “On Noncommercial Organizations,” and “On Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.” The law went into effect in November 2012, but was not actively enforced until Vladimir Putin instructed law-enforcement officials to do so during a speech to members of the Federal Security Service (Russia) on Valentine's Day 2013, stating that "Any direct or indirect interference in our internal affairs, any form of pressure on Russia, our allies and partners is unacceptable." 

Once registered, NGOs are subject to additional audits and are obliged to mark all their official statements with a disclosure that it is being given by a "foreign agent". The word "foreign agent" (Иностранный агент) in Russian has strong associations with cold war-era espionage, and the law has been criticized both in Russia and internationally as a violation of human rights and as being designed to counter opposition groups; supporters of the law have likened it to United States legislation on lobbyists employed by foreign governments. 

#eudebates;  #Russia ;#Russianlaw ; #ForeignAgent;  #Putin;  #EURussia#ClareDaly;  #Clare ; #Daly