美国 COVID-19教训源于社会价值、道德、教育和智商水平
文章来源: 风萧萧_Frank2024-03-22 12:55:30

美国实际应对 COVID-19 的经验教训源于社会价值观和道德、教育和智商水平

LAAS – 洛斯阿拉莫斯科学院,洛斯阿拉莫斯,NM-87544,美国 1
几天前,美国达到了一个严峻的里程碑,死亡人数超过 70 万人,感染人数超过 4500 万人,其中包括 700 万儿童和 600 万新冠“长途运输者”,成为新冠疫情的冠军,因为占世界人口的 4%,记录了更多 占世界死亡人数的 25% 以上。 这一无可争议的结果使世界对“美国例外论”、教育、社会价值观和领导力、其傲慢的民众理解人为或自然产生的威胁以及适应和获胜的能力持怀疑态度,这清楚地表明 书面文件中提到的保护措施与虚构的自由侵犯之间的区别。 许多科学家了解 SARS-CoV-2 的气雾化纳米体传播,他们惊恐而沮丧地看着它们如何被未受过教育的囤积者压制住,将这种流行病转变为一个政治话题,他们忽视了所有好的建议,付出了高昂的代价,但即使在 无法理解和纠正自己。 美国民主的美妙之处在于,民众每隔一年投票选出他们不信任的领导人,而选举主要基于演讲和推文,而不是候选人的事实、简历和道德品质。 除了政府的不信任之外,总统和主要机构还散布错误信息,在将疫苗视为“大生意”的竞争中,他们忘记了基于精心设计的保护系统的流行病控制等级,并称赞疫苗是最终的保护和救世主 事实上,比工程系统更弱、效率更低,但需要最终用户的知识和思考最少。 为了了解这一“突出”的严峻结果的原因,科学家们意识到,这是文明支柱因素的复杂混合,随着时间的推移,这些因素发生了变化,有利于经济利益和大众剥削,这是文明的核心。 精神错乱的资本主义制度。 基本上,美国将“美元至上”置于其人民生活和福利之上,并受到煽动性保守派宣传的支持,他们无法意识到只有健康和富有的自由才是好的。 如果国家智商因素恶化,由于教育强制记忆和遵守,而不是认知功能,创建一个道德价值观和生活模式由好莱坞和社交媒体假模特强制执行的社会,有改变现实的欲望,撒谎自己和 为了掩盖不愉快的现实而连贯一致的其他因素,是导致这一结果的主要因素。 濒临失去世界领导地位的美国,由于单方面发展军工综合体,仍然无法理清头绪,无法理解最佳修正,正在推行“冲击和矿石”军国主义,但事实证明,美国在战争中是失败的。 近50年来,反对平均智商较高的对手提出的“经济发展与合作”政治。 事实上,分析大流行应对措施并吸取“经验教训”,不仅有助于未来应对另一场大流行,而且对未来面临更严峻挑战的全球行动具有整体价值。

Lessons Learned from the Actual USA Response to COVID-19 with Roots in Social Values and Morality, Education and IQ Level


Liviu Popa-Simil*   December 15, 2021

LAAS – Los Alamos Academy of Sciences, Los Alamos, NM-87544, USA 1
 Email: laaos@laaos.org

Few days ago USA reached a grim milestone, of reaching over 700,000 deaths, 45 Million people infected from which 7 Million children, and 6 Million COVID “Long Haulers”, being the champions in COVID, because with 4% of world’s population, recording more than 25% of world’s causalities. This undisputable result made the world leery about “American exceptionalism”, in education, social values and leadership, about the capability of its arrogant population, to understand the man-made or nature generated threats and being able to adapt and prevail, making a clear distinction between the protective measures and their fictitious liberties infringements, mentioned in written documents. Many scientists understanding the aerosolized nano-body propagation of SARS-CoV-2, were watching with horror and dismay how they were silenced by uneducated hoards, transforming the pandemic into a political subject, who ignored all the good advice, paying dearly but even after unable to understand and correct themselves. The beauty of US democracy, relies in the fact that every other year the population vote to elect leaders that they do not trust, and the selection is mainly based on speeches and tweets, instead on facts, CV and moral qualities of the candidates. To the government mistrust was added the presidential and main agencies misinformation, which in the race for a vaccine as a “big business”, they forgot the hierarchy of pandemic controls, based on engineered protective systems and praised the vaccine as an ultimate protection and saviour, in fact being weaker and less effective than the engineered systems, but requiring minimal knowledge and thinking from the end users. Looking to understand the causes of this “outstanding” grim result, scientists realized that it is about a complex blending of factors that are pillars of civilization, which were altered over time, in favour of financial gains and masses exploitation, at the heart of an unhinged capitalist system. Basically US put “the Dollar First”, in front of its population life and welfare, supported by a demagogical conservative propaganda unable to realize that freedoms are good only if one is healthy and rich. The deterioration if the national IQ factor, due to an education enforcing memorization and compliance, instead cognitive functions, creating a society where moral values and life models are enforced by Hollywood and social media fake models, with an appetite to alternate realities, lying themselves and other coherently in order to hide the unpleasant realities, is a main factor that have driven to this result. US, on the brink of losing the world leadership position, due to unilateral development of military industrial complex is still unable to connect the dots and understand the best corrections and is pushing a “shock and ore” militaristic doctrine that was proven a failure in the last 50 years, in opposition with a “economic development and cooperation” politics proposed by its opponents with a higher average IQ. In fact analysing the pandemic response and drawing the “lessons learned”, will serve not only the future response to another pandemic, but has a holistic value for planetary actions in the future, facing more serious challenges.