Professor Warwick Powell Queensland University
文章来源: 风萧萧_Frank2024-05-03 11:50:05

Professor Warwick Powell Queensland University

2024年5月3日, 发现YouTube视频 China Is WINNING Big As West Helps With System Transformation | Warwick Powell,澳大利亚沃里克·鲍威尔昆士兰州大学教授沃里克·鲍威尔对中国评论到: "China itself does not view World Politics through the toxic neocon glasses of zero-sum-games",特搜所整理此文。





China Is WINNING Big As West Helps With System Transformation | Warwick Powell


Second part of an interview with Warwick Powell, Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, in which he lays out all the way the West is actually helping China to win the great power game. While China itself does not view World Politics through the toxic neocon glasses of zero-sum-games, the policies enacted by the US&Co. are only speeding up the system transformation that will undermine Western power. Case in point: De-Dollarisation is happening even faster than some critical observers had predicted 2 years ago.



他是 Sister City Partners Limited 的董事长兼创始人,这是一家非营利性投资银行,致力于发展澳大利亚地区与亚洲市场之间的联系。通过这项工作,沃里克在牛羊生产和加工、信息和通信技术、基础设施、能源、自然资源、旅行和旅游业以及房地产开发等多个行业拥有丰富的经验。

他是多家基金管理公司的董事,负责根据 ASIC 批准的澳大利亚金融服务许可证设立的基金。他是中央高地加速农业企业咨询委员会的成员,也是北昆士兰非营利性创新孵化器 Innovation NQ Inc. 的创始财务主管。他继续在詹姆斯库克大学、昆士兰科技大学和埃迪斯科文大学教授创新、创造力、区域经济发展和区块链技术等领域的专业课程。

Smart Trade Networks

About Adjunct Professor Warwick Powell

Warwick began his career in academia, teaching Chinese history and European cultural history at Griffith University. He graduated with First Class Honours and is the recipient of the prestigious University Medal for Academic Excellence. Warwick was also awarded a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade scholarship to undertake postgraduate studies at People’s University, Beijing. He deferred his studies to begin work for Kevin Rudd in the Queensland Government.

He is the chairman and founder of Sister City Partners Limited, a not-for-profit investment bank focusing on developing links between regional Australia and the markets of Asia. Through this work, Warwick has experience in diverse industries including cattle and sheep production and processing, information and communication technology, infrastructure, energy, natural resources, travel and tourism and property development.

He is a director of a number of funds management companies responsible for funds established under an ASIC-approved Australian Financial Services License. He is a member of the Central Highlands Accelerate Agribusiness Advisory Board and was the founding Treasurer of Innovation NQ Inc., a not-for-profit innovation incubator in North Queensland. He continues to teach professional courses in areas such as innovation, creativity, regional economic development and blockchain technology with James Cook University, QUT and Edith Cowan University.

Smart Trade Networks


China, Trust and Digital Supply Chains: Dynamics of a Zero Trust World
作者:沃里克·鲍威尔 – 2022 年 9 月 1 日
沃里克·鲍威尔 (Warwick Powell) 是澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学的兼职教授。

部分:《劳特利奇政治经济学前沿》(313 本书)



“区块链技术对许多人来说可能很神秘,但沃里克·鲍威尔(Warwick Powell)出色地为那些不太懂技术的人阐明了这一点。他能够清晰地将高水平的技术知识与对供应链的更广泛考虑结合在一起,跨境贸易、中国政治经济和全球贸易动态为读者提供了很多思考中国特色的区块链对 21 世纪贸易国家意味着什么的机会。”

- Kerry Brown 博士,埃迪斯科文大学就业与工业教授


- Gary Sigley 博士,北京师范大学地理科学学院


China, Trust and Digital Supply Chains: Dynamics of a Zero Trust World

by Warwick Powell – Sept. 1 2022

Warwick Powell is Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

Part of: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy (313 books)

China, Trust and Digital Supply Chains presents a critical reflection on blockchain technologies in the context of their adoption in China and the world that China is engaged in and shaping. Approaching the issues of blockchain technology adoption and development on China’s own terms is critical if policy makers and others are to make effective sense of one of the key dynamics shaping the next few decades of the global landscape.

The work challenges the ‘trust’ trope that dominates much discussion of blockchain technology’s application. It argues, contrary to the predominant trust trope, that blockchain is not about trust at all. It shows that China’s re-imagining of the 21st century global order is premised on driving intensified cross-border economic interactions without the presupposition of trust, and blockchain technology makes that possible. It also explores the paradox of technological decentralisation being taken up with vigour by a centralist polity, the role of blockchain technology as a critical condition of existence for the successful globalisation of China’s digital currency initiative, and the need to devise governance institutions that are multilateral in nature, to reflect the multi-polar nature of decentralised information systems with domestic and cross-border permutations.


"Blockchain technology can be mysterious for many, but Warwick Powell has done a fine job of shedding light on it for those who are not particularly technically minded. His ability to clearly weave a high level of technical knowledge together with broader considerations of supply chains, cross border trade, Chinese political economy and global trade dynamics provides the reader with a lot of food for thought on what blockchains with Chinese characteristics may mean for trading nations in the 21st century."

- Dr Kerry Brown, Professor of Employment and Industry, Edith Cowan University

"Warwick Powell presents a groundbreaking study of the development and policy application of blockchain technologies in contemporary China. These technologies are at the forefront of reforming many aspects of trade, business and consumption in the world’s largest economy. Through extensive use of primary Chinese language sources, deep engagement with cutting edge economic, business and social theory, and years of face-to-face discussions with policy makers and influencers, Powell’s study reveals a deep knowledge of this emerging field. To know the past, ask a historian. To know the future, read this book."

- Dr Gary Sigley, Faculty of Geographic Science, Beijing Normal University

"Blockchain technologies will revolutionise business in the coming decades, enabling a world of reliable but trustless transactions. Financial services, sales and associated white-collar work will all mutate dramatically. A new tech era is beginning. In this deeply informed book, Warwick Powell depicts the emerging landscape lucidly and with verve and great insight."

- Peter Murphy, Adjunct Professor of Social Sciences at La Trobe University, author of The Political Economy of Prosperity


May 3, 2024, posted

Today May 3, 2024, I happily found YouTube video: “the West is actually helping China to win the great power game. While China itself does not view World Politics through the toxic neocon glasses of zero-sum-games, the policies enacted by the US&Co. are only speeding up the system transformation that will undermine Western power. ”

I shocked by the rationality of professor Warwick Powell, and Googled found that Professor (in born western genes) was humanized by studying humanized hitory of China - “China itself does not view World Politics through the toxic neocon glasses of zero-sum-games”. Then I track to here. Thanks for good idea New Global Normal;

But as my view that “promotes intercultural communication, engagement, and active global citizenship in youth communities worldwide” will be useless for a better world under European looting and killing bloody soil based western civilization paved track by democratic political design in good purpose; but in actual it ignored fact that it is not all people in human feature in human nature, over 50% of population in abnormal quality from inborn brain defects or being purposefully brainwashed by fabricating toxic ideologies (various Gods); which made a sadness that democracy is acting as a platform for reckless one seizing Gov-power to hijack the governance of human society.

As my view; the democracy was regarded as means that presents or for realizing the life of liberty, or freedom, or free world; which was that European Dark Ages inhuman depressive life tortured people eagerly desired. The torture was from the life under the despotism in which aristocracies and religions mixed ruling by developing all kinds of evil means to oppress the life of people, and even continuously force people to rob and kill of each other in endlessly killing wars to be self-proudly called as Dark Ages.

Due to that democracy was designed for getting rid of the despotism of aristocracies and religions inhuman rule with good intention for achieving humanized life; so that it is extremely deceptive of perfect good, as a result, until today; people still blindly hate fabricated ideology of autocracy or dictatorship and tout ideology of democracy in the deep superstition that only the democratically elected politicians are legitimate. Professor Warwick Powell learnt that is reckless people coerced childish play.

In actual social practice; the democracy is in childishly setting Gov-power as a reward for any people free competing; and recklessly taking pride in the fact that people of any quality can freely participate in the campaign and regards more free as more democracy. It was just because there is no quality control over the candidates, which made fatal reality that democracy, is in granting Gov-power to reckless individual.

The essence of multi-party opposition democracy is to encourage reckless people to legally assemble as political parties; by which enabling capability limited individuals legally gathering as more powerful political social force. The evil of such kind of political gathering is at that it takes to drive the power of the State Apparatus for personal gain as purpose by harming the interests of the people and the country as exchange, even provoking wars and economic crises to destroy the world where those democratic players and their families shared living.

Also the essence of multi-party opposition democracy is to provide means for people making livings; by which people in any quality can legally gang up making livings by multiparty opposition. Please look at the names for making livings by opposition: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party, and coining.

This is the reason that I said that your good idea of “promotes intercultural communication, engagement, and active global citizenship in youth communities worldwide” will be useless for a better world.

Today, social governance has evolved as legislature makes policies as orbit; then society runs accordingly. So that legislature acts as social brain and lawmakers act as the brain cells. The manmade unlivable world showed sad reality that those social brain cells are in defects; and people touted democracy has been in granting Gov-power to reckless individual psychotic play.

We have to learn to China by quality entrepreneurs; scientists; professors, etc., in high quality as that of professor Warwick Powell in part time self reliance form legislature, but in democracies it must operate as civil one; then to paralleled run with official legislature by taking 30% of vote right to act as auxiliary benign brain cells for fixing the brain cells defected social brain.

Now the world needs you all to act as promoter for pushing beautiful dreams as true.

Please reply me; I would reply with my writings that were radical different from your read on books.

Thanks for good idea New Global Normal

Frank (Hongde) Li, May 3, 2024