文章来源: 黑贝王妃2021-06-12 05:54:28

上篇博客介绍了澳洲广播电视台的一档节目You Can't Ask That你不能这么问。(https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/73714/202106/11242.html







Q1. Everywhere I look there is a Chinese person. What’s wrong with your own country?到处都能看到中国人,你们自己的国家有什么问题吗?

  • mikecwu:- Everywhere I look there's a white guy. What's wrong with Europe?
  • 五湖以北:为啥全世界都有白人,当初你们国家有啥问题?
  • 遍野无尘:来帮你们。
  • 老天真:    My country is over-populated. As my country and people are getting richer and richer in last 30 years, we tend to travel and see the world. That is why you can see more and more Chinese tourists on everywhere of the world.
  • 咲媱:       好奇要看世界的人太多。世界又太小。
  • 大马哈鱼:您见到的是亚洲人。


Q2. Did you play piano and go to selective school?  你是否弹钢琴、上重点学校?

  • mikecwu:- No, how about you?
  • 五湖以北:有音乐修养,有啥不好
  • 遍野无尘:是。还有更多的。
  • 老天真:    I don't play piano, but I 'd like someone play piano for me. I just went to a public school when I was young, and I think I have met kids from families of different ranks. That is good. In a selective school, I am afraid that my social circle might be limited
  • 咲媱:不弹钢琴,吹欧博,上不了的学校在我眼中都是重点学校
  • 大马哈鱼:弹过,现在全忘了

Q3. What’s so good about Louis Vuitton? Why are you so obsessed?  路易威登产品有什么好?你们为什么这么热衷?

  •               mikecwu:- I don't have any. Others have their own fashion choices I guess.
  • 五湖以北:问路易威登。
  • 遍野无尘: 没听说过
  • 老天真:It is true. Some Chinese women are fond of them, but I really don't know why. Maybe they are cheaper than other brand-names.
  • 咲媱:免得你们会问我们为什么不穿路易威登
  • 大马哈鱼: 有的,并且很多。不为什么,就是喜欢!


Q4. What does dog teste like?狗肉是个啥味道?

  • mikecwu:- What does pork taste like? My Muslim friends want to know.
  • 五湖以北:沒吃过,也反感別人吃,提倡不吃哺乳动物
  • 遍野无尘:没吃过。 seems you are interested in.
  • 老天真:I don’t know as I have never tried before. I know people in some countries like  it. There must be reason for it.
  • 咲媱:我不吃狗肉,为什么你这么感兴趣?想尝尝?
  • 大马哈鱼:这是个什么问题?您自己吃吗?


Q5. What’s with the nose picking, spitting and pushing in? 抠鼻子、吐痰和推挤都是些什么梗?

  • mikecwu:-Uncivilized behaviors. Like being racist in white people.
  • 五湖以北:环境好了,自然就没了
  • 遍野无尘:一些人的坏毛病。
  • 老天真:Those are bad habits, I don’t have them.
  • 咲媱:    这都是病。会传染。你和病人呆久了也一样
  • 大马哈鱼:没有家教的坏习惯。


Q6. Is it annoying that Chinese men have small penises?  中国男人生殖器小是不是很糟心?

  • mikecwu:- Human beings only need one large organ: the brain.
  • 五湖以北:萝卜白菜,各有所爱
  • 遍野无尘: 我感觉我的太大了,most of the condoms here are too small for me.
  • 老天真:Not really. Many Chinese men have comparable sizes as men from other countries. Chinese penises work better and productive than others during the sex life(这里省略20字,不宜用个人攻击语气。。。:)did you see we have the No.1 population in the world, that reflects we have much more and better-quality sex life than other countries on the world.
  • 咲媱:这个是一千个人有一千个哈姆雷特,试过才有发言权。
  • 大马哈鱼:应该是长短而不是大小吧?


Q7. Do you hate it when white people speak with a Chinese accent? 白人说话模仿中国口音招你恨吧?

  • mikecwu:If his native language is Chinese I understand.
  • 五湖以北:取决于动机
  • 遍野无尘:不,他们愿意学,我乐意教。
  • 老天真:Not at all. I take it as easy as a humor or joke. When I am in that situation, I will reply to the speaker in the same accent. “Doo yoou likee my speakee?”
  • 咲媱:不,好可爱哦,像狗狗学猫叫
  • 大马哈鱼:  模仿得好可以接受。

Q8. Are you scare of your government as we are? 你是不是和我们一样害怕你的政府?

  • mikecwu:You and I have the same government.
  • 五湖以北:你觉得呢?
  • 遍野无尘:和你们没法比。
  • 老天真:I don’t know what you are scare of, but I am really scare of its efficiency and power. See, it just transformed a very poor country with the largest population on the world into a Number Two economy in just 40 years. Have you seen any government could do similar job before?
  • 咲媱:不要谈这个,老大哥在看着
  • 大马哈鱼:不触犯法律谁都不用怕!


Q9. Is Chinese medicine and Taichi that help you live so long?你们的长寿秘诀是中药和太极拳吗?

  • mikecwu:- No it's the genetics and healthy lifestyle.
  • 五湖以北: 躺平
  • 遍野无尘:要想长寿,就要少操心别人的事。
  • 老天真:I don’t know much about Chinese medicine, but I think Taichi may help some people with chronic diseases to improve their health.
  • 咲媱:时间是个相对概念。这样的问题再问下去,我想我能活一万年
  • 大马哈鱼:长寿是遗传跟太极无关!


Q10. Do you feel like you belong here 你觉得你属于这里吗?

  • mikecwu:- Of course and I will build a large family for generations to come.
  • 五湖以北:a. 心在哪,家在哪
  • 遍野无尘:和你一样的感觉
  • 老天真:Still not completely yet. I like the natural environment of Australia with good air quality, and a more relaxed civil life. However, I am concerned that Australia has too many kangaroos, and I know kangaroos sometimes attack people. I am afraid of them。
  • 咲媱:人是土地的主人,从来不是土地是人的主人。
  • 大马哈鱼:当然!

最后,感谢遍野无尘  、五湖以北、mikecwu、老天真、咲媱和大马哈鱼六位博友参与这个讨论,我希望你们不介意我的引用。另外也感谢所有来留评的博友和文学城的读者。