Barberries and berberine (黄连素)
文章来源: burpeejump2024-02-14 20:40:29

Barberries are the tart red berries of the Berberis vulgaris plant. They contain berberine, an alkaloid that acts as an antioxidant. Berberine has many effects, including:
Anticonvulsant, sedative, and diuretic
Inhibits bacterial growth
May help the immune system function better
May help improve blood sugar control
May help treat diarrhea
May help fight inflammation related to dental infections and acne
May have antioxidant effects on cell damage caused by free radicals

Barberries 是种莓子,酸苦,有利用减肥,控糖。我在Amazon 买了干果,打算尝尝。