文章来源: 真道的魅力2023-12-21 20:46:43


When I joined the banks of humanity, born into the humblest condition, my glory was hidden from all but a few people. Occasionally, streaks of glory shone out of me, especially when I began to do miracles. Toward the end of my life, I was taunted and tempted to display more of my awesome power than my father's plan permitted. I could have called down legions of angels of angels to rescue me at any point.  Imagine the self-control required of a martyr who could free himself at will. All of this was necessary to provide the relationship with me that you now enjoy. Let your life become a praise song to me by proclaiming my glorious presence in the world.

当我以最卑微的身份融入人类的行列时,除了少数人之外,我的荣耀对所有人来说都是隐藏的。 有时候,我身上会闪现出一丝荣耀,尤其是当我开始创造神迹时。 在我生命的最后阶段,我受到嘲笑,会有想要展示我父亲计划所允许的更多的可怕力量的试探。 我随时都可以召唤天使中的天使军团来拯救我。 想象一下,一个可以随意释放自己的烈士所需要的自我控制能力。 但所有这些对于提供你现在享受的与我的关系都是必要的。 让你的生命成为我的一首赞美歌,宣告我在世界上的荣耀的同在。