【 父母,请“协助”老师写推荐信】
文章来源: 唐宋韵2023-09-08 11:43:42



虽然我的两个孩子这两年刚刚上大学,之前皆经历了令人疲惫的申请过程,但每个孩子都是独特的个体,我们的经验教训对别人可能完全不合适,空谈易引起误导。而且,从城中几篇偶尔读到的文章和后面的跟帖看,一些专家大拿在自信地指导,已经有many cooks in the kitchen。所以本我没打算写什么。




有些学校为了让老师有东西可写,早在春夏之际,就就给父母印发了Parent Brag Sheet, 希望他们好歹填点儿东西。 Sheet的大致的结构和内容是这样的 —


Parent Brag Sheet

As a parent, you have valuable information that can assist us in writing the most thorough recommendation for your child. You have more hours with your child than any person and can therefore provide important personal insights. Thank you for sharing!

Student Biographical Information:

1. List the two or three most pertinent events or circumstances that have shaped your child’s personal or family history.

2. We are sure that she/he has many, but what do you consider to be your child’s greatest achievement to date? What skills does she/he utilize to achieve that goal? What are our child’s greatest strengths?

3. List your child’s three most important non-academic interests and experiences; be sure to include descriptions and details that show commitment, growth, success, or leadership.

4. What three adjectives best describe your child? Please explain.

5. Colleges often want us to assess students in areas of leadership, confidence, maturity, warmth of personality, dedication to others, and contribution to the community. How would you describe your child in these areas? Please provide supporting examples.

6. Please share a recent story or event that best illustrates a quality that is central to your child’s personality.

7. What is the single most important thing you want colleges to know about your child?

Academic setting:

1. How does your child learn best?

2. What are your child’s most notable academic and/or social challenges?

3. Possible majors or areas of academic interest.

4. Desired geographic location of his/her future college.

5. If there are specific colleges you have in mind for your child, please list them and tell us why you think they are appropriate choices.




就我来讲,我平时对孩子不是一个细致的人,但对这个Brag Sheet,我却是花了一周多的时间,写了9页。比如第一条我谈到了三个方面,有例证,包括她最近两年个性的成熟、新冠以后家里出现了一些情况及她的应对等。又如第四条,不仅仅是3个形容词,还包括详尽的说明。我把这样一篇材料通过email发给老师供其参考。

其结果是几位写推荐信的老师都十分感谢,认为这极大地方便了他们的撰写。其中最重要的推荐人school counselor回信说,鉴于如此丰富而重要的材料,他将破例写一封2页的推荐信。

我把以上关于推荐信的体会提供给将要申请大学的孩子父母,希望有一点帮助。最后说两点题外话:1、在孩子申请学校问题上,及时明确并解决一个个具体技术问题很重要,比如根据孩子的情况与他/她一同选定目标学校,决定是否雇升学指导,仔细研究Common App以便合理填写,以及上面说的推荐信等。(当然,很多具体问题的解决是在两、三年的时间段里逐步完成的。) 2、谋事在人、成事在天,做父母的和孩子本人对结果别太在意。美国是一个充满机会的国家。申请大学只是孩子人生的一个节点。美国至少前100名的大学,其本科教育是不错的。人生长远,不是一锤子买卖。At the end of the day, 决定因素归根到底是人的综合素质。