Weak or Strong, that is the question...

SkysLimit (2007-07-20 22:48:07) 评论 (0)

What is the weakest in the whole world, the one everyone has a control and everybody is a master of?

Time. Yes, it is time. It is so fragile that you can easily break it in anyway and it is so insignificant that you could not even see or feel it. You can spend it like a millionaire and you can torture it as a slave. You can enjoy it with nothing else and you can also destroy it by simply destroying yourself. It timidly follows you everywhere you go and it patiently sits by your side when you sleep. It is the only thing in this world that is completely at your disposal without even slightest hint of rejection. Wah, how mightily powerful you are in front of it…

 Then, what is the strongest in this world, the one that everything is dominated and no one can escape from its shadow?

Time. Yes, it is, again, time. It is so strong that you simply can not cut it off. And it comes and goes with no need of any permission. In time, haves will not have. Feelings will not be felt. Look at that old ugly house at the corner. Can you see it once new and charming? A young man walked in with flowers and took out a big diamond with his heart. Then a beautiful girl jumped up and down with joy and tears. They thought that would last forever, as we sometimes do, too. But now, nothing is left on the wall. No one knows where they are and no one cares. Those occasionally looked at that house wish it never existed. But it did. Now, in a different formation, as everything else, with the ever changing signature and stamp of…ehn…TIME.

Time, my friend. Time, my foe.
Lead me and drive me, until I fall.
Falling into a timeless place,
Then everything today is 
        meaningfully nonsense.


•  Weak or Strong, that is the question...

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