
倚门回首 (2010-02-06 09:50:01) 评论 (0)
    每逢东西方的重要节日,轻舟的中文课堂都有庆祝,学生们的生日更不例外,今天美国学生米杰杰20岁生日,下课前,全班一起用中文唱“祝你生日快乐”的歌曲,并享用轻舟烤作的香蕉松饼(Banana muffins),庆祝杰杰生日。



我是老鼠,我很直率,又有毅力,排在第一位!I am a rat. I am forthright and tenacious. I am ranked the first. 

我是牛,我很勤劳,又乐于助人,排在第二位!I am an ox. I am diligent and ready to help others. I am ranked the second. 
我是虎,我充满激情,又富有同情心,排在第三位!今年是虎年!I am a tiger. I am passionate and full of compassion. I am ranked the third. This year is a year of Tiger! 
我是兔,我很温柔,也很善良,排在第四位!I am a rabbit. I am very gentle and kind. I am ranked the fourth. 
我是龙,我很强壮,又有勇气,排在第五位!I am a dragon. I am very strong and courageous. I am ranked the fifth. 
我是蛇,我很优雅,也很有创意,排在第六位!I am a snake. I am both elegant and creative.  I am ranked the sixth. 
我是马,我很忠诚,也很聪明,排在第七位!I am a horse. I am loyal and smart. I am ranked the seventh.  

我是羊,我很正直,又很平和,排在第八位!I am a ram. I am righteous and peaceful. I am ranked the eighth.

我是猴子,我很幽默乐观,排在第九位!I am a monkey. I am humorous and optimistic. I am ranked the ninth. 
我是鸡,我很严谨,也很真诚,排在第十位!I am a rooster. I am very meticulous and sincere. I am ranked the tenth. 
我是狗,我很诚实,也很开明,排在第十一位!I am a dog. I am both honest and open-minded. I am ranked the eleventh. 
我是猪,我很周到,又爱好和平,排在第十二位!I am a pig. I am thoughtful and peace-loving.  I am ranked the twelfth.  








Xiāng sī

Hóng dòu shēng nán guó,

Chūn lái fā jĭ zhī.

Yuàn jūn duō căi xié,

Cĭ wù zuì xiāng sī.


Love Thoughts

When those red berries come in springtime,

Flushing on your southland branches,

Take home an handful, for my sake,

As a symbol of our love.


诗人Poet: 王维 Wáng Wéi (701年-761年)Tang Dynasty

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