Greta Ferro领衔主演/<<Colette>> You will

TJKCB (2024-03-28 15:50:11) 评论 (0)
地球上的男人,哪个是来帮忙的 个个都先评估好女人的价值才开始 谈婚论嫁的 婚姻中的女人 集玩具,奶妈和清节工为一身 外加上班赚钱。带薪的【老妈子】 所以,影片中女主的不易 我们都能体会。 她也许是西欧妇女解放运动的 得胜者,一个名锤千史女作家.

Colette, known for her sharp wit and insightful observations, left behind many memorable quotes. Here are a few of her notable ones:

  1. "You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."

  2. "Be happy. It's one way of being wise."

  3. "What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner."

  4. "You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart always will be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place."

  5. "There are no ordinary cats."

  6. "Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone - but not the complete structure. It is much too pliable, too yielding."

  7. "I am going to write because I cannot help it."

These quotes capture Colette's wisdom, humor, and deep understanding of human nature, love, and life. They reflect her resilience, passion for living, and commitment to her craft as a writer.


titled "Colette," released in 2018 and directed by Wash Westmoreland. This biographical drama stars Keira Knightley as the titular character, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette.

The film "Colette" explores Colette's life, focusing on her early years as a young bride in a restrictive marriage to Henry Gauthier-Villars, also known as Willy, who initially takes credit for her literary works. As Colette discovers her own talent and voice, she begins to assert her independence and challenge societal norms, eventually becoming one of the most celebrated authors of her time.

The movie received critical acclaim for Knightley's performance and its portrayal of Colette's journey to self-discovery and empowerment. It highlights her struggles, triumphs, and contributions to literature and feminism. 




这个电影感觉是意大利版 The Devil Wears Prada ~


in Italy: 《意大利制造》
意大利制造:本剧由模特赖求华Greta Ferro领衔主演,是一部时尚年代剧。讲述了1975年的米兰,伊莲妮,一个来自意大利南部移民家庭的女儿,决定去时尚杂志《Appeal》应聘 ...
Greta Ferro, Appeal, Il succeso e di moda
本剧由模特赖求华Greta Ferro领衔主演,是一部时尚年代剧。讲述了1975年的米兰,伊莲妮,一个来自意大利南部移民家庭的女儿,决定去时尚杂志
Dec 29, 2020 — Greta Ferro: "Con 'Made in Italy' raccontiamo quando l'Italia è diventata grande nel mondo grazie alla moda" - La protagonista della fiction ...
Jan 13, 2021 — Metà molisana e metà abruzzese, la modella debutta su Canale 5 il 13 gennaio come protagonista della serie tv «Made in Italy», dedicata alla ...
Jan 13, 2024 — Nel ruolo della protagonista c'è Greta Ferro, 25enne molisana la cui carriera, dopo l'uscita di Made in Italy in anteprima su Amazon Prime Video ...
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"意大利制造" is a Mandarin Chinese phrase that translates to "Made in Italy" in English. It refers to products that are manufactured in Italy, often associated with high quality, craftsmanship, and design. Italy is renowned for its contributions to various industries such as fashion, automotive, food, and furniture, and products bearing the "Made in Italy" label are sought after around the world for their excellence and prestige.

in Italian, 《意大利制造》

In Italian, "Made in Italy" translates to "Prodotti italiani" or "Fatto in Italia." These phrases are commonly used to indicate that a product originates from Italy and is associated with Italian craftsmanship, quality, and design.

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