The Man Who Knew Infinity\' - Srinivasa Ramanuja
TJKCB (2024-03-31 15:25:02) 评论 (0)1729, "The Man Who Knew Infinity" - Srinivasa Ramanuja, an incredible testament to the mind that God gives to man, meticulously worked out the details. God speaks in numbers, like infinity - Numbers only prove there is a God. Ramanujan was right: mathematics is the one true universal language on this planet (his Goddess spent time teaching him mathematics as a child). It can be used for good or bad. Sad but true to the heart about God like Kite: You can fell string on hand. I pray for all mankind to use it for good to benefit the human race. God can manifest to reach anyone in any way He wishes. His mother, Janaki Ammal, died on April 13, 1994, at the age of 94. She never remarried. It is possible his wife became the first Indian woman to receive a doctorate degree in botany in the USA. He was a hidden, Unexpected genius in the early 1900s.
Worth detailing: (1) at time 35:25 self righteous pride is so destructive and feeds only one's self narcissistic nature. That poor excuse of a teacher, Mr. Howard, is an example of obnoxious British pride, or anyone like it.
(2) at time 25:13 I hope the genius Mr. Littlewood was speaking tongue in cheek when he said, Newton “ invented” gravity. I am a high school dropout, and I know that Newton ‘discovered’ gravity.
(3) at 1:42:55, His formulas were used to explain black holes, 100 years later.
Yet another autodidact proving the genetic roll of the dice demands an intense dedication one must devote to learning... Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, as well as mathematician Bertrand Russell. There are many philosophical and historical references in this film. Ramanujan was a theist, and Hardy was an atheist. But if you know the history of mathematicians, many were avowed Platonists. Russell and Frege were this way. Math and Plato seem to go hand in hand. When you're dealing with math, god, intuition, proofs, and infinity at once, things get bizarre fast.
The flame that burns the brightest, lasts only a short while. But, then, that's enough. Oscar actors, both main characters (