欧洲各国禁足前短暂而美好的旅行 A Holiday Trip Ended Too Soon

Ilovecheese (2020-04-13 13:24:05) 评论 (0)

Monday 2nd March

From home to Folkestone. Good journey, one crash caused 10 minutes delay. Had Costa coffee at Scotch Corner and Gregg’s lunch. Parked in Wear Bay Road, Folkestone, just like last year. Woke up to fined £35 fixed penalty – it’s now a no motorhome area.

从家里出发到Folkestone。一路上除了一起撞车事件延误了10分钟,别无它恙。我们在Scotch Corner享用了Costa咖啡和Gregg‘s家的午餐,晚上停在了去年停过的Wear Bay Road。不曾想早上醒来却发现收到一张£35的罚单。原来这个地方现在已经不允许露营车过夜了,但是我们昨晚到达的时候天已漆黑,没有看到新设的标识牌。

Tuesday 3rd March

After the shock of the fixed penalty, I couldn’t eat breakfast, so went to Euro Tunnel and had banana. 08:50 Train to France. Good smooth trip. Breakfast (lovely fried egg sandwich) at very first Aire on A16. Lunch 40KM from Honfleur. 16:00 paid 4 euros to park in Honfleur. Had very expensive small coffee and very small Stella at Harbour café. Parked in Quetteville, a tiny village car park for the night.

刚刚上路就被罚款很不开心,早餐也不想吃了,直接就开到了欧洲铁路隧道,路上吃了个香蕉。我们乘08:50 的隧道车到达了法国,行程一如既往的的平顺。在第一个休息站我们停下来,做了美味的煎蛋三明治早餐;然后在距离Honfleur 40公里的地方停下吃了午饭。到达Honfleur后我们来到事前选的停车厂,付了€4,步行到码头走了走。在港口的一个酒吧点了一咖啡和一杯啤酒,结果发现不仅量少杯小而且价格昂贵,€10。法国的第一晚我们在Quetteville村的迷你停车场休息了一晚。


Wednesday 4th March

Woke up and wished Amy “Happy Birthday”! Moved away from Quetteville to have breakfast. Managed to find some daisies and pink blossom to give to Amy on her birthday. Skye helped me by biting the blossom in half, even though I hadn’t asked her to!

Found an Intermarche and got cheap fuel and some shopping. Headed to a nice overnight spot at Turquant after driving over the narrowest longest bridge over the Loire – quite scary. Walked to a nearby restaurant built into the side of a cliff but it was closed for renovation, so no birthday meal for Amy but we did have some strange bacon/tomato wrapped pork balls. Mixed red wine with Rose and both had slight headache. Very quiet night apart from rain, rain, rain, and then a bit more rain!



Thursday 5th March

Rain stopped so we explored the ancient Loire river side village of Montsoreau and its giant Chateau (which was shut). Bought tasty cakes, blueberry tart and apricot tart, and had coffee in van next to the river. Then had extremely blowy and rainy drive to Angleoume, where we negotiated tight hilly lanes to the top of town, to a view point near the Cathedral. More rain and wind. Headed south a bit to overnight at Reignac near the village football ground. Had home-made puff pastry pizza and crab spring rolls for tea. Passed a very quiet night.

雨终于停了。我们到Loire河边久负盛名的Montsoreau村里走了走,仰慕了一下那个不开门的大城堡。在村里一间香味扑鼻的烘培店里,买了好吃的蓝莓和黄杏挞,然后把露营车停在河边,配着自己煮的咖啡,小憩了一下。开往Angleoume的路上狂风暴雨,我们穿过崎岖的山路来到了小镇的最高处参观大教堂,美丽的小镇景观尽收眼底。风雨不停,我们选择把车停在 了Reignac村里足球场边上小树林被风的一侧。晚餐是自制的比萨和螃蟹春卷。多亏那排小树,这一晚过得很祥和宁静。

Friday 6th March

Decided to move somewhere else for breakfast rather than outstay our welcome. Late on went to the Lac de Gat Mort to have a 3km walk but after about 1/2km in either direction found the path to be under a foot of water. Had lunch then headed to Lac de Lamothe a lake with golden sandy beaches, but dogs, even on a lead, not allowed. Had a nice walk through a forest then back near the lake. Started the van and as we pulled away there was a horrible noise and vibration – front brake sticking on! We managed to get going and the noise became barely noticeable, but when we slowed down to park up in the village of Onesse-Laharie the loud squealing came back. Had nice Super U lasagne and settled in for the night, trying to decide what to do about the brake. 1000km to Peniche in Portugal.       

不忍辜负村民的善意,打搅村里的清静,我们一早就离开了。来到Lac de Gat Mort,发现步行道都淹在水里了,5公路的徒步行,无论朝哪个方向,走半公里就不得不折返。午餐后我们来到有金色沙滩盛名的Lac de Lamothe,却发现狗狗是不允许到沙滩上的。于是我们在湖边的林子里走了一遭。离开的时候,露营车的前刹车似乎卡住了,发出很难听的噪音和震动。终于把车启动,车速高了之后噪音似乎也没有那么糟糕了,但是在Onesse-Laharie村庄减速停车的时候,刹车发出尖而长的噪音让人不可忽视。晚餐是Super U的意大利千层面。

Saturday 7th March

On leaving the village, Google map took us along narrow country lanes with deep water filled ditches on both sides, and then the lane changed to a muddy sandy track with huge puddles – couldn’t turn around – keep going and branches dragged down the side of the van but somehow we got to the main road. Phew!

Decided to go to Euro Master Garage as they had a sign saying they fix brakes. Spoke to Jan at Bayonne depot and he put van on ramp and soon told us he couldn’t get parts until Tuesday. Rather than risk 1000km we reluctantly decided to stay in Bayonne area. Found the Fur Oaks campsite at Urt and a resident told us to find a spot to camp, and the owner would come for money at same spot. Had experimental tea of pressure cooked ham and nice lovely hot shower, very quiet night,   filled water, and emptied loo. Owner never came … 

离开小村庄,谷歌导航把我们带到了不仅狭窄,而且道路两边都是深水沟的乡间小道,紧接着是沙泥土路。由于法国最近天天下雨,土路已不再是路了,坑坑洼洼,而且无处掉头,只能继续前行。湿漉漉的树枝沉沉地垂下来,刮扫着露营车顶,行进艰难。还好这段路只有1公里,我们竟然走出来啦!但是刹车的噪音更大了。看到Euro Master在路边的广告牌上显示修理刹车,我们决定去试一试运气。在Bayonne的一家Euro Master 修车厂跟Jan解释了露营车的问题后,他把车开上了修车的坡道进行了一番检查,然后告诉我们说零件要周二才能拿到。里我们的目的地Peniche还有1000公里呢!我们决定不冒风险,就在巴约讷把车修好了再上路。我们在Urt找到了一个露营地。在此居住的一位女士告诉我们找一个地方停下来就好,露营地的主人会来收费的。晚餐是用压力锅做的火腿。晚上洗了个舒服的热水澡,然后给车上满了净水并清空了厕所。夜晚的营地非常安静,老板却没来光顾...

Sunday 8th March

I made breakfast! Very rare event worth recording.

No one ever came from camp management. Drove short distance to Carrefour for small food shopping – by chance the same shop we came to last year! Then coffee by the river then drove into Biarritz. Van decided to make horrifying squealing as we drove slowly through the town centre. Everyone looked! Found a car park but sign said “Motorhome cannot stop” so we re-located to a little sheltered street where motorhomes welcome until 15th April. Rainy walk along beach promenaded then lazy afternoon.

Spring rolls and pizza for tea. Then night time walk – Amy said we should let Skye off the lead – I wasn’t sure – but every dog we saw was not on a lead – Skye had a very good time.

In bed about 21:00.




Monday 9th March

Up at 7am to take van to Euro Master. Asked us to leave it until 12ish to order parts and get price – we walked to a McDonalds but they had no hot food – machine broken! Had coffee and cake. Then 40 minutes’ walk to Bayonne old town. Had more coffee and almond pie. Returned to garage about 11:30 – Jan eventually got price – €681!! He said it was a good price but I was hoping for €500 … never mind.

Drove back to last night's spot. 14:45 – Jan phoned – bring van in at 14:00 tomorrow, parts should be there. Good news!

Stayed put but had nice walk around Milady Beach.

早上7点起床,把露营车开到Euro Master。Jan要我们把车留下来做订购零件前的彻底检查。并告知一旦收到报价,他会在中午之前跟我们联系。步行来到麦当劳吃早餐,却被告知机器坏了,没有热餐!买了咖啡和蛋糕,步行40分钟来到巴约讷的旧城区,又点了一份咖啡和杏仁派,坐在室外的阳光下享用。大约11:30我们返回修车厂,Jan告知修车的价格是€681!他说这是一个很不错的价格,但我心里的上限是€500……哎,算了。开车回到昨晚的露营地点。 14:45, Jan打来电话说让我们明天14:00带车进厂修理,零件应该会在此之前送到。这真的是个好消息!我们在Milady海滩周围散步,度过了一个轻松愉快的晚上。

Tuesday 10th March

No need to get up early so had quite a lazy morning at Biarritz. Took van to Euro Master in Bayonne just after 2pm and went for a walk into town (again). Had coffee (but no cakes) in a café near the river. Skye barked at every dog that passed. Bought some bread and cake and walked in a circle to the park area. Garage closes at 6pm so at 5ish started walking back. Jan phone at 5:35pm to say van was ready, but they had to fit an extra part – it cost €148 – quite a substantial amount extra but we really had no choice. It was late so returned to Milady beach for our last night, but parked with a sea view. Total cost €829.75!!! L 

我们睡了一个懒觉。下午2点把车开到了修车厂,然后再次步行进城。在河边走了走,然我们睡了一个懒觉。下午2点把车开到了修车厂交给Jan,然后再次步行进城。阳光下的河边暖暖的,我们走到沿河的一家咖啡店坐下,点了一杯咖啡。不仅坐在阳光下品咖啡的人多,路过的行人也络绎不绝。Skye对着每一个走过的狗狗都要大声的叫上一通,警示着他们她的存在。在城里买了些面包和糕点,然后在市中心公园的长凳上坐了下来,一边读书聊天一边吃蛋糕。修车厂下午6点关门,5点过后我们就开始往回走。5:35 终于等到Jan的电话,说车修好啦,但是需要格外的配件,所以又加价€148。虽然对价格不停的上涨不满意,身在异乡,我们也没有别的选择。拿到车已经很晚了,于是又回到Milady海滩边,这次我们停在了一个有海景的地方。修车总共花了€829.75!!!

Wednesday 11th March

Left France, drove into Spain and it got a lot hotter, 24c. To avoid coronavirus we took direct route through Spain along miles of dual carriageway, heading quickly to Portugal. Stopped in a cedar forest overnight near military camp. Really nice spot, good to walk Skye.


Thursday 12th March

07:30am – up and about 08:00am heard “wake-up” bugle call from military camp. Drove down more motorway to campsite – got there noon. Nice terraced site, with good showers. Met a British couple in a Defender camper and had a beer on the terrace.


Friday 13th March

Had leisurely morning – empty loo, fill water, check oil etc. drove to area of Espinho – had to go on toll road because other roads really slow. Camped at Praia de Sao Pedro de Maceda – combination of forest and beach. Sushi and homemade calzone! J


Saturday 14th March

Decided to stay here for the day, lovely area to walk Skye in the forest and on the beach. Fairly busy as today is weekend.


Sunday 15th March

Drove to Peniche to see Ivor and Luci and Ivor’s daughters. Not forgetting Chloe the dog. Had pizza takeaway meal.


Monday 16th March

Found out Portugal was going to close border to Spanish tourists so decided to cut short Peniche break and just go home – 10:30 set off. Lidl shop, overnight in Valladolid.


备注:老公喜欢每天在本子上简短的记录一下当天的活动,还喜欢随手画两笔 嘻嘻。我的撤离笔记,加上他的每日简报,这次旅行的记录就完整啦 鬼脸

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