H.I. (2014-02-14 11:20:49) 评论 (1)
1. Gear: 共$150/year
租的 $10/year
包括:helmet, chest pad, elbow and knee pad, long socks, pants, gloves, jersey is free.
买的:冰鞋 used $15, new $40-50
hockey stick: $ 20-25 忘了。
off hockey的puck and others: green biscuit $13
2. Lesson fees: $ 600/year
so far: $150/session for BP, total can be 3 sessions in a year. $450/year
进了team: $600/year from Sep to March.
3. Tournament fees: $300-$400, 不确定,刚开始,保守估计
about $40/tournament/person. if every month has a tournament, then 7 months, will be $280.
4. 自己上冰练习:$400/year
about $40/month.
1. Gear: 共$150/year
租的 $10/year
包括:helmet, chest pad, elbow and knee pad, long socks, pants, gloves, jersey is free.
买的:冰鞋 used $15, new $40-50
hockey stick: $ 20-25 忘了。
off hockey的puck and others: green biscuit $13
2. Lesson fees: $ 600/year
so far: $150/session for BP, total can be 3 sessions in a year. $450/year
进了team: $600/year from Sep to March.
3. Tournament fees: $300-$400, 不确定,刚开始,保守估计
about $40/tournament/person. if every month has a tournament, then 7 months, will be $280.
4. 自己上冰练习:$400/year
about $40/month.
评论 (1)