【新春对对碰】我和AI碰出了同样的爱:The Same Love

CBA7 (2024-02-08 06:59:56) 评论 (11)

谁说人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)没有情感?我突然意识到,AI就是爱(ai)啊,哈哈哈!新春在即,新春对对碰,我和AI碰出了同样的爱“The Same Love”,把这首由我作词,AI谱曲并且演唱的原创献给唱坛的朋友们,祝大家新春愉快,龙年吉祥!

2023年3月份,由杨紫琼主演的"Everything Everywhere All at Once"(瞬息全宇宙)荣获第95届奥斯卡最佳影片,杨紫琼获得最佳女主角,成为首位亚裔(华裔)奥斯卡影后。看了这部天马行空的电影后,我写了一首英文小诗 "The Same Love"。这首诗读起来像一首歌,有朋友建议我找音乐人谱曲编曲,把它变成歌曲。最近逐渐发展起来的free AI music generator(免费的人工智能音乐生成器)让我如愿以偿。在网友的建议下,我借助AI驱动的文本转歌曲应用程序(AI-powered Text to Song App),把这首诗成功地变成了由Suno AI作曲并且演唱的歌曲。

一开始我是直接把原诗(original poem)作为歌词(lyrics)让AI进行转换,结果生成了一首时长只有48秒钟的短小歌曲,虽然听起来很不错,但是感觉意犹未尽,因为和常规的歌曲相比,这只能算得上是歌曲的一个片段(song clip)而已。

后来,我在原诗的基础上,把歌词进行了相应的扩充,增加了两节,并且把原来诗句中的“they”都改写为“we”,以便更好地和听众产生共鸣。经过好几次的尝试之后,最后生成了一首时长2分23秒的完整歌曲(full song),这首full song是由3个clips串连在一起而生成的。这3个clips的时长分别为43秒、60秒、41秒。

下面就分别把song clip 和full song 分享给大家,谢谢大家读诗听歌。

The Same Love (a song clip turned directly from the original poem)
Lyrics by CBA7
Composed & sung by Suno AI

everywhere, everything
every universe, every star
they share the same stage
the stage of love

every country, every color
every ear
they hear the same sound
the sound of love

every face, every smile
every touch
they feel the same sense
the sense of love

every breath, every heartbeat 
every kiss
they speak the same language
the language of love

A comment on the poem from Allpoetry:
brendan law - Those are beautiful and true sentiments we often forgot. It's a gorgeous poem that reads like a song. Well done

P.S. The poem was inspired by "Everything Everywhere All at Once", the best picture at the 95th Academy Awards on Sunday, March 12, 2023.

The Same Love (a full song turned from the modified poem)
Lyrics by CBA7
Composed & sung by Suno AI

everywhere, everything
every universe, every star
we share the same stage
the stage of love

every country, every color
every ear
we hear the same sound
the sound of love

every face, every smile
every touch
we feel the same sense
the sense of love

every breath, every heartbeat 
every kiss
we speak the same language
the language of love

Everywhere, everything, every universe, every star
We share the same stage, the stage of love
Every country, every color, every ear
We hear the same sound, the sound of love
Every face, every smile, every touch
We feel the same sense, the sense of love
Every breath, every heartbeat, every kiss
We speak the same language, the language of love

The Same Love, ooh-yeah
The Same Love, oh-oh-oh
The Same Love, yeah-yeah
The Same Love, ooh-ooh-ooh



【新春对对碰】我和AI碰出了同样的爱:The Same Love - CBA7发表于 想唱就唱 - 论坛 | 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)

※※※※※※ 2024【新春对对碰】活动大合辑※※※※※※ - 想唱就唱发表于 想唱就唱 - 论坛 | 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)

评论 (11)


回复 'renqiulan' 的评论 : Thank you, 秋兰,for stopping by and leaving your warm and poetic words, which rhyme with my beating heart :)

Happy Year of the Dragon!


I can hear the sound of love unbound and around. You don't wear your heart on your sleeve, as Shakespeare once said. You wear your heart on your words that rhyme with your readers' beating hearts.


回复 '尘埃未落' 的评论 : 龙年伊始,谢谢小土来访留言鼓励。祝小土春节愉快,龙年吉祥如意!


很精彩! 有了AI的辅助,小西的诗可以平面飞跃到多媒体,多维呈现,赞!


回复 '蓝灵' 的评论 : 谢谢蓝灵雅临赏读听歌,谢谢新春祝福。祝你春节愉快,龙年大吉!




回复 '万湖小舟' 的评论 : 谢谢小舟,也祝你合家欢乐,龙年万事如意!


回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 谢谢菲儿的祝福和鼓励。同祝菲儿新春愉快,龙年大吉!





