《Dear Friend》:一首写给朋友的生日歌
暮子默 (2024-12-10 16:56:27) 评论 (0)这首歌本来是我为在美国最好的朋友Anne所写,原名叫《Dear Anne》,是我九月刚玩Suno时完成的作品。词很简单,却是心里话;旋律也很简单,却将友谊、快乐和祝福的感觉烘托的极好。我一直想把它改成更大众化的歌曲,但因为拖延症比较严重,三个月后的今天才重做了一版。因为今天是我的生日,哈哈~趁着个契机修改完这首歌,同时祝自己生日快乐:-)
原版:《Dear Anne》
新版(电台版):《Dear Friend》
我没有用Replace Section来修改。我的做法是利用Song Cover来实现,当然事先也需要手动操作一下。这首歌比较短,不到两分钟,因此操作更简单,不需要花太多时间和精力。
1. 先下载原歌曲的Stems,在GarageBand上切割人声需要改动的那几个短语。
2. 录唱修改后的歌词,音量调整至和原人声接近,导出整首歌曲的mp3
3. 在Suno上使用Song Cover功能。填上更新的歌词和指令。因为我喜欢原曲的配乐,我就使用一样的prompt
《Dear Friend》
Dear friend
Dear friend
Our Friendship is never gonna end
You are so bright, so kind
And you always keep us in mind
Oh dear friend
Today is your birthday
Let’s celebrate in a special way
All the wishes are in this song
Good luck is with you all year long
Oh dear friend
Today is your birthday
As beautiful as flowers in May
Hope your day is full of joy
And lots of sweets to enjoy
May all your wishes come true
Hope your mood is never blue
May all your wishes come true
Hope your mood is never blue
Oh dear friend
Our Friendship is never gonna end
You are so bright, so kind
You always keep us in mind
Today is a beautiful day
Wishing you the happiest birthday
今天收到了超多祝福。最让我感动的是我们校区Happiness Committee发的邮件,真的非常非常暖心~