新西兰国会激辩 毛利人议员愤而群起唱跳土著战歌
2024-11-16 14:29:13
Watch this incredible protest as the indigenous Maori MPs perform a haka to disrupt the vote on a bill that seeks to diminish their rights.新西兰国会周四出现了一场激烈的辩论,22岁的毛利党(Te Pati Maori)国会议员梅皮-克菈可(Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke)成为焦点,她为了抗议备受争议的法案,当众撕毁文件,还表演了传统的毛利哈卡舞(haka),引发了其他议员和旁观者的热烈支持。
Imagine if Western politicians had the same courage to stand up to genocide and shame Israel in similar ways. pic.twitter.com/8GVyX0T5dE
— Donna Miles دانا مجاب (@UnPressed) November 14, 2024
《商业标准报》(Business Standard)报导,新西兰国会近日正在讨论“怀唐伊条约”(Treaty of Waitangi)相关的“条约原则法案”(Treaty Principles Bill)。
A vote in New Zealand’s parliament was suspended and two lawmakers were ejected on Thursday when a ringing haka began – a rhythmic Māori chant of challenge – over a controversial bill redefining the country’s founding agreement between Indigenous Māori and the British Crown. pic.twitter.com/PktW9NAvts怀唐伊条约为1840年由英国王室代表与毛利酋长间达成的协议,主要涉及主权、统治权等核心议题。
— The Associated Press (@AP) November 14, 2024
然而,执政联盟中的“行动党”(ACT)党魁西莫(David Seymour)认为,条约中的部分规定已不符合现代社会所需,并可能导致毛利人与其他新西兰人之间的不公平,他因此诉请重新解释条约内容,并废除部分相关制度。
现场响起震耳欲聋的呐喊声,迫使会议暂停。布朗利(Gerry Brownlee)试图恢复秩序,最终梅皮-克菈可和另外两名议员被暂时停职一天。外界将在下周二于首都威灵顿举行大规模集会,届时可能有数百位参与者为毛利人的权益发声。