This afternoon I started to work on my car - replacing serp belt, changing air conditioning compressor.
Look down from above radiator, after taking out belt, I noticed idler has some wear. If not fix it, it'll damage belt causing bigger bill. I'll go buy the idler from stealer on weekday.
After taking out of compressor, put the old and new together to make sure they are in same size. Same to belt:
Always remember safety first:
Once I get the idler, I'll put everything in place. After that, I'll have a shop to flush a/c system ($50), then I'll do the followings myself: Add pag oil 8 oz into compressor, replace drier, add 1 oz oil to driver, connect all a/c hoses, vacuum the systme to about 28 hg, and finnaly charge up Freeze 12. Total cost for a/c would be about $300.
2009-05-16 20:10:37The most important thing before you refill the system