
You still haven't explained this

iamhereforfun2 2012-03-22 17:38:37 ( reads)

My simple realistic question ---  If your old uncle bought gold at $800 in 1980 (assume he was 40 years old that time), 32 years later I am not sure how old he is.  But I know if I use 0.04% inflation rate, his $800 should be worth $2100 today.  But today's gold is less than $1700.  Your uncle is 72 years old now.  Do you think he has made a good investment ??

I know all the theory from Jim SInclair, Buffett, Peter Schiff.  My friend, again, I am not saying Gold can't or will not grow.  My point is --- NOBODY knows if it will grow or decline from this point on.  Given a 50 years frame everything will grow, but for average people we live limited life span.  Gold is good but please don't sound like you know Jesus is coming to see you tomorrow. 




2012-03-22 18:09:05

ok here it is,,,