
我们没有足够的时间去参观两个地方。 因此需要选择一个。 我们是从普利亚西海岸返回东海岸,基本上绕了一圈普利亚。

goingplaces 2024-05-22 11:24:39 ( reads)

Santa Maria al Bagno was where we spent our night on the West Coast.  This is a very sweet, small resort town.  A whole lot nicer than Gallipolli south of it.  It is a very local town, basically are just Italian tourtists.  The only nice hotel already shuttered for the year even though it was only late September.  But once you walk along the coast, after rounding a big corner,  there are the places the locals go.  Along the bay it was a vivid night scene at the restaurants lining up the water front.  Families, couples, lovers, small kids...  Especially small kids running around even it was already 11pm...  Very Italy!  We like that little town very much.

当我们在 Brindisi Budget 还车时,我们说非常喜欢 Santa Maria al Bagno,the girl at Budget 非常高兴。 原来那是她的家乡。 她每个月都会回去。

After Santa Maria al Bagno, we need to head to Maria Franca and Ostuni (we spent a night at Maria Franca and 2 nights at Ostuni), but Metera is on opposite direction at the north.   That is too muh a diversion. 


I read about the church from a Chinese travel site, used to call Go2eu.com, 穷游  before it was finally sold to big business but the travel forums remain.  Founders said 他们会保留 Go2eu 地址 然后 redirect。 他们不想忘记自己是如何开始的。始终可以通过输入 go2eu.com 找到他们. 


顾教授很久很久以前那里有一个博客。 He introduced me to this Chinese travel site originally was started primarily for participants to post their travel journals.  I feel it is much more useful than the 蚂蜂窝  site and its community. 



2024-05-22 12:40:53



2024-05-22 13:30:41

我也用TA。 但那些中文网站的社区里有很多游记,系统地记录了作者的旅行,有很多从交通、住宿到观光的小贴士。