
howToCalculate my family and my wife SS income based on my??

bestoknow 2024-05-17 21:48:13 ( reads)

Hi 硅谷居士,

I am looking SS benefits policy about how to calculate my family and my wife SS income based on my actual SS income. I just taken my SS benefit a few months ago with two years delay on 69. I full retirement benefit at $3100/month. With 2-year delay, I current SS benefit at $3616/month. Because I have a child under 18, I can take filmily package benefit with 75% of my SS benefit. However, I worked with a SS official to calculate my family benefit and my wife benefit. This official calculated my family benefit and my wife benefit only based on my full SS benefits $3100 not based on my delayed SS benefit $3616. Have you known or do you know how or where to find this SS policy/document related to delay retirement 8% per year reward only for the retired person, not benefit for the retired person family and spouse? I feel this is not fair or mislead, I would like to collect related the information and make another appointment with SS official to discuss this.

Thank you very much for your great article.

Look forward to hearing from you.




2024-05-17 21:55:43



2024-05-17 22:31:51

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. My question?