今天跑最后一个800米之前,看到操场上有一个虎背熊腰很厉害的姑娘,我就过去搭讪,问她想不想一起跑一个800米。她很爽快地答应了。那个姑娘第一圈跑得真快,但是第二圈给我追回来了,嘻嘻。跑完觉得又要吐了。。。跟那个姑娘high five一下。喝了点水一回头,姑娘不见了。不知道是不是我太厉害了,她吓跑了,哈哈
爱美丽在家骑车,今天她要骑50英里。这娃真的是,我回到家看到她骑车没有开电扇,我说为啥不开,她说教练说了,外面骑车很热的,要heat training。。。。我服了U。
Wanna know why? It's called a tRaINinG pLaN. Basically, the worst workout of the week is on Saturday. So here is a summary of what I did. Basically, my NON-blissful morning starts off with a 50 FREAKIN' MILE BIKE RIDE on the ROLLER! Insane. Its abslutely ridonkulous. And it was SO boring and painful, but I guess that is to be expected. And after that, I was DEAD and then I had to go RUNNING! On this SUPER LONG HILL! In 100 degree weather! For 35 MINUTES! AAAAHHH! It was so freaking hot, I was melting! My brain was oozing out of my ears! Ok, I am exaggerating again, but you get the main idea. But my mom got me Mcdonalds, and so everything was ok. I love mcnuggets so MUCH. And so that was pretty much my day. Thank you for listening to me rant, ending as I always do, with a copius amount of periods................... .................... ................... ..... ........
2024-07-20 20:06:55最爱看爱美丽写的博客,智慧的小火花噌噌地往上冒。总让我想起《安妮日记》里的安妮。