
【好书推荐】 The Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Last Straw

lilac09 2010-06-10 05:53:16 ( reads)


【好书推荐】The Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Last Straw --lilac

[前言]:  那个啥,越老越堕落。最近竟然迷上了小孩的书,The Diary of a Wimpy Kid,这套书有四本,还有一本讲的是上画的同名电影。俺手头有的是第四本,The Last Straw。据说是最好玩的一本。俺来来回回看了两遍,被迷的颠三倒四,不能自拔的,还准备再看两遍。


俺有毛病,很多, 最有名的就是强迫症: 自己喜欢的也喜欢同道的人喜欢,您不喜欢阿,俺就要想法儿逼您就范,这就是这文的由来。俺东一榔头西一板斧的,把书里好玩的地方show给您,看您识货不。


警告哈:   这本书是纯口语话的,您要是致力给中央社论拟稿,或新闻发布,或诗词歌赋等阳春白雪的高尚人士,远离俺这个祸害的说~~

Everyone knows growing up can be hard. Adolescence is awkward and school sucks when you're that age.  For many of us, you may never forget the bullies you had to put up with on the school playground.  You may never forget the tricks you played on your classmates, which inevitably always ended up backfiring on (逆火上身) yourself. You may never forget that pretty girl, sitting in front of you, who never returned a glance at you during the whole school year, or that popular kid who once invited over everyone but you to his party, or your parents who always pushed you to attend all kinds of after-school programs but forgot that they were just the same average kids when they were your age.

You may have never shined at school. You may have never won any girl’s heart. The closest field position you had ever got playing in the soccer game is called “shag” – chasing the ball when it goes out of bounds.  If you are geeky, average-looking (positively speaking :)) and basically have no talents, adolescence can be cruel or at least pathetic. Is it possible for such a wimpy kid to survive or even thrive through his harsh middle school years? 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid takes a benign (善良的, 温和的) and relaxing approach on the adolescence, trying to find wit, fun and truth rather than the genuine pain or confusion in that time of life. 

The main character Greg is such a wimpy kid. He is about 13-14 years old, in his junior high school. I find him very attractive and I relish reading every bit of his pathetic but funny stories.

One of Greg’s street smarts – “Chore Coupon” book
What is best way to show your filial piety (孝心) to your parents without spending a cent?

Making them a Chore Coupon book. Greg makes his dad a Chore Coupon book just about every Father’s day, which has something like “One free lawn mowing” or “One free window washing”. It always works out great because Dad never actually uses any of his coupons in the books and he treasures them up (珍藏).


One year, on Mother’s day, Greg played the same trick on his mom, but Mom cashed every single one of it in the following year. Bummer!


Greg’s mom – a workout fanatic verbally
Once in a while Mom will get on a workout kick (on ...a kick 暂时着迷于某活动), but she always quit after her first class. Once dad took a picture of Mom decked out in  (用……装扮起来) all her exercise gear the first day she went to the gym. Then Dad made fun of Mom by posting the duplicate photos side by side on the fridge, one marked “before” and the other marked “after”. Dad thought that was a genius idea, but Mom was not amused at the “joke” at all and dad got kicked out of the house. Women can laugh at or criticize their own figures as much as they want, but men should never ever do it in front of them unless they are bullet-proof. Seriously, this is not a joke ha~~


Rodrick - Greg’s mean older brother
Rodrick, Greg’s mean older brother whose ultimate fun (终级快乐) is to pull all kinds of pranks on (搞恶作剧) Greg. Last April 1st, Rodrick bet Greg 50 cents that he couldn’t tie his shoes while standing up. Greg totally fell for (上当, 听信) it. Greg got shot on the butt by his Rodrick’s toy gun when he bent over. 


Greg told on (告发) Rodrick. Dad didn’t feel like getting in the middle of a fight and ordered Rodrick to pay Greg 2 quarters for winning the bet. Rodrick threw the quarters onto the ground. Greg bent down again… Guess what happened?

Manny - Greg’s youngest brother, looks like buck-toothed (大板牙) alligator, a spoiled brat (小混蛋).
Greg is somehow jealous of his little brother who gets all the attention and special treatments he never got from his parents when he was a little kid. Once at pre-school, Manny threw a big tantrum (大耍脾气) when he opened his lunch box and found out that his Sandwich was cut in HALVES, not in QUARTERS, the way he liked it. Mom had to be called by the teacher. So she left work and drove all the way to the school to make the extra cuts for Manny.


Rowley - Greg’s buddy, a chubby and happy-go-lucky fellow. 
Greg always takes small advantages from his seemingly dumb friend. Greg once egged on (怂恿)Rowley to give him a piggyback ride (骑在肩上) when he didn’t have much energy to make it up the hill to his house. Rowley didn’t jump at the idea (急于接受) at first. So Greg reminded Rowley that they were best friends and this was a kind of thing best friends would do for each other. Rowley finally caved in (屈服) after Greg offered to carry the backpack for him as a returned favor. See the cartoon below.  Rowley was carrying Greg while Greg was carrying Rowley’s backpack, so Rowley was basically carrying both Greg and their backpacks.


Dad - a junk food addict. He likes to steal kids’ snack food from the laundry room during the midnight.  
Dad has an unshaken goal for his wimpy son Greg:  making a man out of him. He kept enlisting Greg in the organized sports and other manly endeavors. 

He once signed Greg up for a local soccer league. Greg ended up as a benchwarmer (板凳队员)due to his pre alpha minus skills. As a benchwarmer, when other players were playing hard and joyously with cheers around, will one feel left out(被遗忘), upset, uneasy, jealous or ashamed?  Let Greg tell you his firsthand experience what the benchwarmers are thinking when they stand in the huddle (站个圈) while the coach goes over the game plan. --- "You guys smell."


Greg got happy with his benchwarmer situation since he could play his video games all the time. But some parents complained their kids didn’t get any playtime. So once Greg and other two benchwarmers were called on by the coach to block the free kick (任意球) from the other team. They were supposed to stand shoulder to shoulder to make a shield to block the ball. This was actually what happened.


The coach was so mad, letting loose with everything he had (口不择言地乱骂).
What was going on Greg’s mind: well, choosing being hit by ball in the face or yelled by the coach, it's no contest.


Holly - the girl Greg has a huge crush on
Like all boys, Greg is attracted to (被吸引, not "by", use "to") the pretty girls in his class. The girl he has a huge crush on is Holly, who is not the prettiest, but the fourth prettiest (hehe, 好玩的说法).  The top three all have boyfriends. So all boys in the class are trying to get in good with (和某人搞好关系) Holly. 

Greg's was daydreaming about Holly.

Greg has been making tons of moves on (献了很多殷勤)  Holly. But Holly never pays attention to Greg. She can't even tell Greg from Fregley, an annoying kid Greg despised most.  This really gets Greg pissed off.

This was what Holly wrote on Greg’s yearbook at the end of the school year.

K.I.T – Keep in Touch. Greg really read into it and got warmed up by this K.I.T thing. 
“You’d better Believe I’m gonna take her up on her offer (俺会很领这个情滴)”, he said.

Greg didn’t feel the note Holly left for him lame until he saw what Holly wrote on Rowley’s yearbook.

A huge blow to the ego or what?

The fun list can go on and on. Even a super gabber (88的人) as me, should know where to stop. Hope you already had an itch for this “kid” book. 

[Diary of a wimpy kid] Book 4 the last straw - part 1

Lilac 06, 2010

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    2010-06-10 05:55:28



    2010-06-10 07:29:44

    Really good! thanks!


    2010-06-10 09:37:35



    2010-06-10 10:15:37

    漂亮分等次 里拉排第四


    2010-06-10 10:25:13

    是呀,No1你家鹰妹, No2你家鹰妹, No3还是你家鹰妹 :)


    2010-06-10 13:00:13

    里拉, 你的这个attracted to 令我感慨万分。


    2010-06-10 13:17:59

    诗友 -->室友


    2010-06-10 13:25:40

    I was kinda confused by this "attracted to" thing before.


    2010-06-10 21:58:05

    跟里拉学英语, 人都变聪明了不少, 有趣,赞美女才女一个


    2010-06-11 11:17:10



    2010-06-11 07:04:57



    2010-06-11 11:18:08

    Thank you. My dear Sis. You're always my best supporter!


    2010-06-11 17:50:20

    Sis, 我又来学习了,并且还作了读书笔记呢。


    2010-06-11 18:16:19

    Sis,你真好学,我好感动,关于egg on,我再多讲点~~


    2010-06-11 18:19:55

    谢Sis, 我又学到了一个短语:rope in.


    2010-06-11 19:49:39



    2010-06-11 20:00:38

    愚公您好好呦,10 star 叶 ~ 周末鱼块~ :)