过节了,讲个最近发生在俺自己身上的一件溴事, 给大家拜个年
One day, I was holed up in my small cube, totally swamped with my work. Our VP suddenly poked his head into my cube and popped a question, “ Are you 丝懒母得?”. I looked up from my desk and blinked my eyes a couple of times, wondering “Gee, 丝懒母得, what the hell are you asking?” He repeated his question and got the same blank reaction from me one more time. Then he changed topic. I felt so stupid afterwards. I have been in states for so many years that I thought I had picked up enough idioms and slangs to at least deal with the basic daily conversation. This still happened. On that moment, I felt panic and defeated again just like the first day when I landed on this country with all that so called “English” babbling around me.
其实恍惚中, 俺也大概知道他是和俺在打招呼,可俺到底是“丝懒母得”,还是“不丝懒母得”,俺没什么底呀? 这办公室里,会错了意思可不是什么好事, 没天理的又被人当了回傻子, 还是俺的VP,相当的郁闷
后来,经过俺一番钻研,俺终于搞明白了, “丝懒母得” 就是”slammed”, “Are you slammed?” 就是 “Are you busy?” 也就是俺故事开头说的”swamped with my work”
后来one on one的时候,俺又和俺老板,一白人女老板闲谝了几句这个事,她说这都是slang,还可以说“Are you hammered?” 被锒头(hammered)砸的,被沼泽包围(swamped)的, 被猛烈抨击的(slammed)” 都是很忙的意思, 这些词听起来是比busy要给力哈
讲俺这件溴事的目的就是想说: 英语也学的日子不短了,俺从来都没有觉的idiom,slang这块学够过。中国人普遍闹笑话,听不懂的都是这一块,因为这是你在国内基本上学不来,也体会不了的,GRE单词你倒背如流也不成
俺个人体会是看sitcom,friends, seifeld, everyone loves Ramond都是非常受欢迎的. 情景剧特别是生活形的,家庭形的,对口语听力帮助相当大,您不可能住人家家里吧,现在换劳工也太迟了吧:D,守着中国老公中国娃的,除了多交些国际友人,你怎么才能全面的了解美国人的生活和口语呐,看sitcom真是很重要的一个道道,还有soap opera也很不错,只是俺觉的那个情节又臭又长,也不好玩,具体看什么,个人喜好,但都是这一类的,大同小异
俺现在具体举几个从friends第一季前几集拾的例子吧,先说中文场景中想表达的意思,您先停一下,想一想您会如何说,因为底下俺说的也不是标准答案,是俺从看节目中体会出来的, 您很可能有更好的想法。
场景1 .
如果大家一起讨论什么,讨论什么热火起来了,有人支持这个,有人替那个辩解。那个啥,就不举自己的例子啦,嘻嘻。您不服,下次欢迎您八俺。比如说前两天海先生和verdeboy为诗歌的事论道,网友们七嘴八舌,各抒己见。那个数字妹妹3271963就替海先生说好话,这个支持,为谁说好话英文怎么讲,可以想到的词:support,defend,to support or defend someone or something
从friends里,俺还拾了个非常地道的习惯用语 "stick up for"
Ross: Come on, I think this is a good thing. I don’t think Mom would’ve hired you if she didn’t think you were good at what you do.
Monica: You don’t have to stick up for her. She can’t hear you.
stick up for someone:to support someone or something; to speak in favor of someone or something
When the debate got heated between Mr. Hai and verdeboy, Sis Number stuck up for Mr Hai while 灰大侠 took verdeboy’s side. 举例而已,说到的人勿恼 :)
您也可以说它的近义词stand up for someone. 如果再说过一点,也是说某人的好话,往高里捧, 有个习语叫suck up to someone.
场景 2.
如果和朋友渐渐疏远了,用英语怎么表达? 可能一般想到的最多的词就是strange,forget这样的词
比如可以说: We don’t see each other any more. I feel we are becoming like strangers now.
可能更地道,更好点的词组是: drifted apart
“I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart, but you're the only person I knew who lived here in the city.” (Quoted from Friends 1-1)
还有一个很好的类似的词:fall out 争吵而渐渐疏远
They had been quite good friends for years, until they fell out about some trivial matter.
他们是多年的好朋友, 后来为了件小事吵起来而渐渐疏远。
场景 3 .
如果说做什么事正上手,正顺风, 用英语怎么表达?
可能一般想到的最多的词就是, doing well, things go smoothly这样的表达
friends里,我学到on a roll - Undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success
while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something.. (Quoted from Friends season 1-1)
on a roll还有一个很好的类似的词:on a winning/losing streak: 在口语中有一系列好运或坏运的意思,
streak:a. A brief run or stretch, as of luck. b. An unbroken series, as of wins or losses
如果是I’m on a winning/losing streak recently, 就是近来要风要雨,忒顺;反之就俺这近来很衰, 喝凉水都塞牙
场景 4.
如果朋友在一起开玩笑玩儿,有好几个人都开你的玩笑,中文里你会小嘴一噘,“好呀,你们合伙欺负我呀”这个合伙欺负怎么用英语表达“you guys are all bullying me”. Bully 太重了 “You guys are all teasing me” 好一点, 或者说 “Stop ganging up on me”
Friends, eg.
Phoebe: You know, if you want, I'll do it with you.
Chandler: Oh, thanks, but I think she'd feel like we're gangin' up on her.
chandler不愿让现任女友认为他们和伙欺负她- gang up on *****
如果你想表达胡花掉时间或钱, 这么说
可以说waste my time sth, waste my money on sth, squander all the money
Friends, eg
I blew off (胡花掉时间或钱) the rest of the day, and I went shopping...(quoted from friends 1-6)
Blow off 正式有炸掉的意思. The shell had blown his head off. 炮弹把他的脑袋炸掉了。
He is such a good guy. I can’t believe you blow him off . 这里的blow somebody off不是把人给炸掉,这是说这么好的一小伙,您都能把人家吹拉 - to ignore someone in order to end a romantic or other relationship.
比如小千mm那天好心劝俺,俺那个冥顽不化的石头样,让她白白浪费了那么多时间码字. 她就可以这么一说俺 :):
I can’t believe I blew off the whole day, trying to talk some sense into that bonehead woman. What a waste of time!
Friends里这样的习语。俚语俯手皆拾,您要是觉的俺讲的还有点意思,还靠谱,您就试试,要没有什么用,您就冲下水道。No hard feeling. All roads lead to Rome.
祝您兔年大吉大利, 顺风顺水,on a winning streak~~~
lilac09 02/05/11
2011-02-05 10:06:09I'm slammed by spam and carrot while carry my rabbit to Malasia.