林贝卡 (热门博主)
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It Is A Lovely Day Today

(2011-11-03 20:28:39) 下一个

Song: It's a Lovely day Today
Artist: Perry Como

It's a lovely day today
So whatever you've got to do
You've got a lovely day to do it in
That's true

And I hope whatever you've got to do
It's somethin' that can be done by two
For I'd really like to stay

It's a lovely day today
And whatever you've got to do
I'd be so happy to be doin' it with you

But if you've got somethin'
That must be done
An' it can only be done by one
There is nothin' more to say
Except it's a lovely day for sayin'
It's a lovely day

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pierino "Perry" Como was an American singer and television personality. During a career spanning more than half a century he recorded exclusively for the RCA Victor label after signing with it in 1943. "Mr. C", as he was nicknamed, sold millions of records for RCA and pioneered a weekly musical variety television show, which set the standards for the genre and proved to be one of the most successful in television history. His combined success on television and popular recordings was not matched by any other artist of the time. A popular television performer and recording artist, Perry Como produced numerous hit records with record sales so high the label literally stopped counting at Como's behest. His weekly television hobo and seasonal specials were broadcast throughout the world and his popularity seemingly had no geographical or language boundaries. He was equally at ease in live performance and in the confines of a recording studio. His appeal spanned generations and he was widely respected for both his professional standards and the conduct in his personal life. In the official RCA Records Billboard Magazine memorial, his life was summed up in these few words: "50 years of music and a life well lived. An example to all."