  • 博客访问:

Lisa Ekdahl

(2008-10-03 09:18:30) 下一个

When did you leave heaven

It's oh so quiet here

Blame it on my youth

If I expected love when first we kissed,
Blame it on my youth.
If only just for you I did exist,
Blame it on my youth.
I believed in everything,
Like a child of three.
You meant more than anything,
All the world to me.

If you were on my mind both night and day,
Blame it on my youth.
If I forgot to eat and sleep and pray,
Blame it on my youth.
And if I cried a little bit when first I learned the truth,
Don't blame it on my heart,
Blame it on my youth.

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葳蕤 回复 悄悄话 回复太阳屋的评论:
太阳屋 回复 悄悄话 “not fit for Jazz"? they just don't get it, do they?
Artisan! piano as well. The european Jazz did follow a slightly different route, it seemed.